8/29 AEW Dark Elevation results: Bailins review of Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Samura, Queen Aminata

By Rich Bailin, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@RichBailin) AEW Dark: Elevation (Episode 78)Taped August 24, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio at Wolstein CenterStreamed August 29, 2022 on the AEW YouTube Page Excalibur introduced Matt Menard, who was joining him on commentary as Dante Martin made his entrance. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer


By Rich Bailin, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@RichBailin)

AEW Dark: Elevation (Episode 78)
Taped August 24, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio at Wolstein Center
Streamed August 29, 2022 on the AEW YouTube Page

Excalibur introduced Matt Menard, who was joining him on commentary as Dante Martin made his entrance. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

1. Dante Martin vs. Wes Barkley. Martin used his speed early to keep the pressure on Barkley. Martin caught Barkley with a top rope cross body block for a near fall. Barkley then pushed Martin into the ropes but Martin held on, leaped over Barkley then slammed Barkley to the mat with his new unnamed finisher and got the pinfall. 

Dante Martin defeated Wes Barkley by pinfall in 2:00.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A quick showcase win for Martin.

2. Arie Alexander vs. Julia Hart. Alexander managed to get a few shots in on Hart in the corner. Alexander then tried to Irish whip Hart to the opposite corner but Hart reversed and caught Alexander with a snap mare and followed up with a thrust kick. Hart then hit Alexander with a standing moonsault and then locked in her finishing submission move now called the Heartless Lock.

Julia Hart defeated Arie Alexander by submission in 1:53.

Bailin’s Breakdown: More of the same from Hart. At least her finisher has a name now.

An ad for All Out week aired…

3. Queen Aminata and Skye Blue vs. Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir (w/Vickie Guerrero). Blue and Rose started the match with Blue avoiding most of Rose’s attacks and countering with ones of her own. Rose eventually caught Blue in a powerslam and then knocked Aminata off the corner. Rose tagged in Shafir who got down on the mat and lifted her knees so Rose could slam Blue onto them. Instead, Blue slipped out and slammed Rose’s head into Shafir’s knees and then kicked Shafir and tagged out.

Aminata caught Shafir with a series of kicks until Shafir was able to recover and start kicking Aminata. Rose and Shafir continued to work over Aminata until Aminata was able to make the tag. Blue got a few shots in on Shafir but missed a kick and Shafir German suplexed Blue. Shafir then made the tag and they threw Blue into the ropes. Rose lifted up Blue as she came off the ropes and Shafir DDT’d Blue out of Rose’s arms and got the pinfall.

Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir defeated Queen Aminata and Skye Blue by pinfall in 3:40.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A decent back and forth match even though the result was never in doubt. I was surprised that Blue took the fall.

An ad for this week’s Dynamite aired.

4. Matt Hardy vs. RSP. Hardy yelled at RSP to hurt him. RSP obliged by attacking Hardy in the corner. Hardy avoided a corner splash and took over on offense. About halfway through the match Private Party walked out onto the entrance stage and watched the match. RSP caught Hardy with an enzuigiri and then climbed the top rope and attempted a Senton splash that missed. Hardy then came off the middle rope with an elbow drop and hit RSP with the Twist of Fate and got the pinfall.

After the match Hardy and Private Party stared at each other as Hardy asked “Why?” over and over before Private Party walked to the back.

Matt Hardy defeated RSP by pinfall in 3:20.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A quick showcase win for Hardy along with some brief storytelling with Private Party coming out to observe.

An ad for this week’s Dynamite aired.

5. Serena Deeb vs. Katie Arquette. Arquette powered out of an Octopus stretch in the latter part of the match. Arquette followed up with some strikes and a headbutt but missed a corner splash. Deeb then hooked in a spinning neckbreaker before locking in the Serenity lock for the submission victory.

Serena Deeb defeated Katie Arquette by submission in 2:05.

Bailin’s Breakdown: Another mostly dominant showing for Deeb.

6. Andrea Guercio vs. Frankie Kazarian. Guercio managed to drop Kazarian throat first on the top rope and then got a few kicks in on Kazarian but only got a one count out of the pinfall attempt. Kazarian quickly recovered and locked the crossface chickenwing on Guercio a few moments later to get the submission victory.

Frankie Kazarian defeated Andrea Guercio by submission in 2:50.

7. Rush, The Butcher and The Blade (w/ Jose) vs. Elijah, Zach Nystrom and Chase Oliver. Rush started the match and teased the Bull’s Horn on Nystrom early but instead kicked Nystrom in the head and posed mid ring. Rush, Butcher and Blade continued their attack on each member of the other team. Late in the match Butcher and Blade hit Drag the Lake on Oliver and tagged out. Rush hit the Bull’s Horns and got the pinfall victory.

Rush, The Butcher and The Blade defeated Elijah, Zach Nystrom and Chase Oliver by pinfall in 3:20.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A strong, dominant showcase for Butcher, Blade and Rush.

8. Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura (w/Baliyan Akki) for the Regina Di WAVE Championship.With the referee’s back turned, Sakura attacked Shida before the bell by hitting her with the crown. Sakura then hit Shida with her “Rock You” chops but when Sakura went to the opposite corner to go for the splash Shida followed and hit Sakura with a knee to the chest. Shida then copied Sakura’s singing and then suplexed Sakura. Shida and Sakura continued to go back and forth and the action went outside the ring.

Shida set up a chair to jump off of with a knee strike but missed. Sakura hooked in a belly to back suplex and dropped Shida onto the chair. Sakura continued her attack until Shida was able to get out of the double underhook. Shida then went to the top rope but Sakura followed and attempted a power bomb which Shida reversed with a huracanrana.

Shida opened up her top and told Sakura to chop her. Sakura obliged but Shida countered with forearm strikes which she continued to hit on Sakura. Shida then climbed up to the top rope and hit Meteora on Sakura for a near fall. Sakura and Shida then went back and forth trading pinfall attempts until Shida was eventually able to hit the Katana kick and get the pinfall.

Hikaru Shida defeated Emi Sakura by pinfall in 6:30 to retain the Regina Di WAVE Championship.

Bailin’s Breakdown: See, was that so difficult? Start a story last week between Shida and Sakura, follow up this week with a match. It isn’t rocket science. More of this please. This match was the obvious match of the night and it isn’t even close. And it should have been given how many times as these two have worked together over the years. The rest of this week’s episode was more of the same with a few new faces sprinkled in. Episode 78 clocked in at 44 minutes and 44 seconds.

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