Acquit Dream Dictionary: Interpret Now!

To dream of a court, legal matters and subsequently a court decision being "acquitted" or cleared of all charges in a dream means that you have to move on in your life. If you are in the physical world you are being challenged by your moral beliefs: in other words, your being challenged to what

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To dream of a court, legal matters and subsequently a court decision being "acquitted" or cleared of all charges in a dream means that you have to move on in your life.

If you are in the physical world you are being challenged by your moral beliefs: in other words, your being challenged to what you think is right and wrong. This dream indicates that you should move on in the future to a much brighter place so that you have the ability to prepare. Any dream regarding a court or a governmental institution that finds you not guilty is connected to your inner emotions.

A dream which has authority to adjudicate legal disputes and dispense civil, criminal, or administrative justice in accordance with rules of law is a higher warning. The dream may have focused on common law or civil law - both meanings are outlined below. If you dream of common law then a situation in your life is going to turn around. To dream of civil courts suggests that a dispute resolution is needed in relation to a close friendship. If you are bringing claims before a court it is time to stand down from an argument. Similarly, if you are accused of a crime then you must take a defensive approach to work situations.

Quick dream meaning

  • Attended a work tribunal = situations at work could result in complications with progression.
  • European laws (laws that are not in your home country) = travel is ahead.
  • International Court = if you found yourself on trial outside your home country then be careful in what you say to friends.
  • Court security = to see an important figure in authority, such as a judge denotes that times are changing fast.

What does being found not guilty in a dream mean?

There is an inner mentoring process in terms of self-justification on a conscious level, any dream can give you the opportunity to organize your fears so you can make sure that going forward things are much better for you and your family. If you dream of being in court then you are going to have an "ancient" guilt, a "sexual" guilt (Freud), or a "social" guilt. You may encounter someone who frustrates you, they have deep desires and drives. This person obstructs his or her own efforts, alienates his or her friends and sponsors. This person provokes figures in authority to punish, demote, or ignore him, actively seeks and solicits disappointment, failure, or mistreatment and relishes them, incites anger or rejection, bypasses or rejects opportunities, or engages in excessive self-sacrifice.

What does it mean to see others being acquitted in a dream?

We are all, to some degree, inertial, afraid of new situations, new opportunities, new challenges, new circumstances and new demands. Being healthy, being successful, getting married, becoming a mother, or someone's boss – often entails abrupt breaks with the past.

Some self-defeating behaviors are intended to preserve the past, to restore it, to protect it from the winds of change to self-deceptively skirt promising opportunities while seeming to embrace them. Moreover, this dream to see someone being let off represents a challenge, or even a guaranteed eventual triumph, which will be meaningless in the absence of onlookers. If you dream of seeing a judge then you need an audience to applaud, affirm, recoil, approve, admire, adore, fear, or even detest him. Someone close craves the attention and depends on the emotions of others.

What does it mean to dream of being on trial?

If you dream of being on trial for murder, then a friends life around you may be transformed into an on-going trial. The constancy of this trial, the never adjourning tribunal is the punishment. It is a Kafkaesque "trial": meaningless, undecipherable, never-ending, leading to no verdict, subject to mysterious and fluid laws and presided over by capricious judges.

This dream is connected to people who may have Personality Disorders (PDs) who are very afraid of real, mature, intimacy. Intimacy is formed not only within a couple but also in a workplace, in a neighborhood, with friends, while collaborating on a project. Intimacy is another word for emotional involvement, which is the result of interactions in constant and predictable (safe) propinquity.

What does it mean if a criminal in your dream was let go by the law?

For someone to be acquitted in your dream that caused you pain this means that someone in your waking life is causing you emotional strangulation. This results in the snuffing of freedom, a kind of death in installments. They are terrorized by it. To avoid it, their self-destructive and self-defeating acts are intended to dismantle the very foundation of a successful relationship, a career, a project, or a friendship.

This dream may result in feeling elated and relieved after you try to unshackle these "chains". It is important to break a siege, so that you are liberated, free at last. On a heavier note, this dream can also indicate some type of judicial process that may come into your life at some point. If the dream was of a happy note then this dream shows that you have the ability to forgive people and that you can learn lessons from this dream.

If any of the following courts are featured in your dream

Appellate court. Court-martial. Courts of England and Wales. Ecclesiastical court. Equity court. Family court. High Court of Justiciary. Revolutionary Tribunal (French Revolution). Scots Law. Scottish Court Service. Supreme Court. Trial Court Administrative Court. Constitutional Court. Court of Faculties. Then you must meditate in order to find the answer to what this dream means, seeing any of the courts above indicate a new future regarding the areas around the specific court. A difficult or situation in your waking life is providing much concern. There is a focus on people judging you and it is important to try to defend yourself.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream

Scared. Terrified that the decision is going to be adverse. Doomed. Worried.

