At least 23 arrested in DC as thousands protest Israeli PM Netanyahu's speech to Congress

WASHINGTON (WJLA At least 23 people were arrested Wednesday as crowds gathered in D.C. to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress. Groups were seen burning an American flag and an effigy of Netanyahu, as well as spray painting graffiti on the Christopher Columbus statue.

At least 23 people were arrested Wednesday as crowds gathered in D.C. to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress.

Groups were seen burning an American flag and an effigy of Netanyahu, as well as spray painting graffiti on the Christopher Columbus statue.

During the protests outside Capitol Hill, tension broke out between counter-protesters and police.

Netanyahu harshly criticized demonstrators inside a congressional chamber to a packed room of applauding congressional leaders.

"I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran's useful idiots," said Netanyahu during his speech.


Multiple protests and rallies were held across the nation's capital before, during and afterNetanyahu’s speech on Wednesday afternoon. Maryland Senator Ben Cardin and House Speaker Mike Johnson presided over the address.

On Wednesday morning, Cardin issued the following statement ahead of presiding over the address:

“The United States relationship with the State of Israel transcends politics and partisanship, and it transcends any one Israeli government or any one U.S. administration. It’s foundation is cemented in the ties between our people. I will be presiding during Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress today as a demonstration of my commitment to this special relationship between the State of Israel and its people and our country.”


The group ANSWER Coalition was anticipating a turnout of approximately 5,000 people.An organizer told 7News' Tom Roussey that buses of protesters arrived from several states including Michigan, Florida, Ohio and New York.

PHOTOS |Protests in DC ahead of Israel PM Netanyahu's appearance on Capitol Hill

The group’s national director,Brian Becker, criticized the extensive security measures surrounding the U.S. Capitol, stating, “It is shameful that taxpayer money is being used to turn the Capitol Building into Fort Netanyahu. Millions of dollars have been spent to fortify the area so that a genocidal war criminal can feel secure. But we will not be intimidated and are determined to exercise our First Amendment rights.”

Protesters are calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces have intensified bombardments. Many demonstrators also demand Netanyahu's arrest, claiming he's responsible for the ongoing violence.

A small group of pro-Israel protesters were also seen in the vicinity of the pro-Palestinian gathering. Tensions between the groups briefly boiled over into a scuffle that saw police intervention and protesters reportedly pulling down Israeli flags and stomping on them, according to CNN. Police are now working to keep the groups separate.

U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) said they arrested six people Wednesday. Officers were seen clashing with protestors and deploying pepper spray at First Street and Constitution Avenue NW.

Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officials said they arrested nine people throughout the day for various offenses.

Around 11:30 a.m. MPD arrested three women and two men for crowding near 4th Street and Independence Avenue, SW. Around 3:20 p.m., officers arrested a 15-year-old for assault on a police officer in Columbus Circle.

At 4 p.m., officers said they arrested three men for assaulting a police officer in Columbus Circle.

Elsewhere, 7News cameras captured other intense moments between police and a large group of pro-Palestinian protesters.

"The crowd failed to obey our order to move back from our police line. We are deploying pepper spray towards anyone trying to break the law and cross that line," USCP posted to X on Wednesday's crowd.

But, the USCP and D.C. Police were not alone in law enforcement. New York Police Department (NYPD) Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry announced that more than 200NYPD officers were in D.C. to assist USCP this week.

Around 3:37 p.m., U.S. Park Police said the permit for protesters at Columbus Circle was revoked after a crowd "damaged and destroyed park property," according to officials.

Officials said protesters vandalized statues and fountains, tore down and burned flags, and started several small fires.

7News was live as officers were seen removing Palestinian flags after demonstrators removed an American flag and burned it alongside an image of Netanyahu near Union Station.

After the permit was revoked, crowds were asked by U.S. Park Police police to leave the area. Officers arrested eight people during the incident.

7News Reporter Rebecca Turco said crowds slightly dispersed from the area around Columbus Circle by 5:15 p.m., revealing graffiti left on a monument that read, "Your community could be next if we don't stop it."

National Park Service conservators will begin removing the graffiti from statues and fountains on Thursday morning. Officials said it may take multiple treatments over several days to remove all of it.

Around 6:41 p.m., U.S. Park Police said protesters left the Columbus Circle area.

Following the protests Wednesday, D.C. Police Chief Pamela Smith shared the following statement:

"Today, our city once again hosted people who came to exercise their First Amendment rights during a foreign dignitary visit and the Metropolitan Police Department worked alongside our law enforcement partners at the United States Capitol Police, the United States Park Police, and the United States Secret Service to ensure safety around today’s events.

While many people chose to peacefully exercise their first amendment rights in our city, some choose to disobey the law.

MPD arrested and charged five people with Crowding, Obstructing or Incommoding after they used locking devices to connect their arms together and block the flow of traffic near the intersection of 4th Street, Southwest, and Independence Avenue, Southwest.

A few hours later, MPD arrested and charged two people for assaulting a police officer after they pushed MPD officers during the protest at Columbus Circle. MPD officers also arrested and charged two additional people for crossing a police line after an officer was assaulted.

The District of Columbia has a long and proud history of peaceful first amendment activities and the Metropolitan Police Department handles hundreds of protests, demonstrations, and other events every year. We will continue to support those who choose to protest peacefully and safely, and we will continue to hold accountable those who commit criminal acts while in our city.

I extend my gratitude and sincere appreciation to the members of the Metropolitan Police Department for assisting our local, state, and federal partners, and especially our community for helping us keep the District of Columbia safe for everyone."

Later in the evening, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Congressman Brandon William (NY-22) and several other veterans who are also members of Congress visited Union Station to replace American flags that were removed and burned by protesters.

"I drive by here on the way to vote on the House floor and I took a picture, I saw the flags had not been restored," said Williams. "So, I talked to a bunch of fellow veterans and we just had the idea that we would raise the flag here tonight if we could."

“I’m here with veterans and patriots and members of the house who were just disgusted by what happened here earlier today," said Speaker Johnson. "We should be standing with America and with our dear friend and ally Israel in its time of great crisis and they did the opposite here."

Shortly before 8:30 p.m., protesters gathered outside the Watergate Hotel, arriving in groups and drawing a presence from D.C. police.

MPD closed multiple streets in response to the protests. Around 10 p.m. a picture of Prime Minister Netanyahu's face was projected onto the hotel with the words "Wanted" and "Arrest."

On Tuesday, U.S. Capitol Police said they arrested approximately 200 peoplewho authorities said were "illegally demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda."

"We told the people, who legally entered, to stop or they would be arrested. They did not stop, so we are arresting them," USCP posted to X on Tuesday.

RELATED | 200 arrested after Jewish demonstrators protest on Capitol Hill ahead of Netanyahu visit

The dignitary visit also follows President Joe Biden's announcement on Sunday that he will not seek another term as president. Netanyahu plans to meet with Biden on Thursday afternoon.

Netanyahu stated that regardless of the future U.S. president, “our enemies must know that Israel and the United States stand together tomorrow and always.”

The conflict, now in its ninth month, has become one of the most destructive of the 21st century, according to the Associated Press. Gaza's Health Ministry reports that over 39,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 89,800 wounded due to Israeli military actions. The ministry’s figures do not distinguish between combatants and civilians.

SEE ALSO | More than 39,000 Palestinians have now been killed in the war, Gaza's Health Ministry says

The national demonstration on Wednesday is organized by American Muslims for Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement, The People's Forum, ANSWER Coalition, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, U.S. Palestinian Community Network, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Palestinian American Organizations Network, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Palestinian American Women's Association, CodePink, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestinian Assembly for Liberation, and Writers Against the War on Gaza.

Multiple road closures and parking restrictions are in place through Saturday. For the full list, click here.

