Breanna Stewart is a mom! Basketball star and wife welcome baby girl

SEATTLE (KOMO) Breanna Stewart has every title imaginable in her sport. WNBA, Olympic, Collegiate and High School champion. Now, she has her best title yet: parent. Breanna and her partner Marta Xargay welcomed baby Ruby Mae Stewart Xargay to the world via surrogate on August 9.

SEATTLE (KOMO) — Breanna Stewart has every title imaginable in her sport. WNBA, Olympic, Collegiate and High School champion.

Now, she has her best title yet: parent.

Breanna and her partner Marta Xargay welcomed baby Ruby Mae Stewart Xargay to the world via surrogate on August 9.

In a touching video, Stewart’s parents Heather and Brian react to the news before the baby was born last week. Ruby Mae arrived just a day after Stewart won the gold medal at the Olympics.

Breanna says that a devastating achilles injury playing overseas that ended her 2019 season was one of the defining moments in the decision to freeze her eggs.

“Those moments and memories were huge for what blossomed our relationship into what it is” Stewart said.

“I hope this continues to show people that there’s no perfect way to find love or have a family or create a family. We’re just looking forward to continuing to write out story but with a baby.”

What’s more, Stewart and Xargay revealed they were married on July 6. They were engaged in May.

