Dance Moms Spoilers: Abby is the Worst. Some More Again. - Page 2 - Dance Moms

according to one site,, I do not remember what site.. ABBY tried to FIRE both CHLOE and CHRISTI from the show.. she was UNABLE to do that.. but was ABLE to kick CHLOE out of her studio.. THEREFORE.. CHLOE does not GET to compete at ANY REAL COMPETITIONS. The 'competitions' we see on TV are

according to one site,, I do not remember what site.. ABBY tried to FIRE both CHLOE and CHRISTI from the show.. she was UNABLE to do that.. but was ABLE to kick CHLOE out of her studio.. THEREFORE.. CHLOE does not GET to compete at ANY REAL COMPETITIONS. The 'competitions' we see on TV are 'invitationals' ..

(Invitationals-after the 1st few seasons. DM was having trouble filming at regulair-i.e. REAL competitions.. TMZ has one article, can be googled. Part of it was the EDITING.. Viewers saw 'results' that did not happen, the competitions said that they 'thought the show was about young dancers, NOT ABOUT NASTY MOTHERS', and the filming time-It interrupted the competitions-which took a lot of time to begin with! So, Competition companies started to BAN the show. One company though, came up with these 'INVITATIONALS'-A WIN WIN -because Dance Moms (though I am not saying it) could LIMIT the schools that had TALENTED girls/boys attending.. and limited altogether, the number of kids competing! I went onto a 'dance mom forum- a REAL ONE- created a LONG TIME-before the show-AND they had a few threads about this show, AND these invitationals.. a few of their daughters had attended some-once-they learned-At these-1st the day after-Abby would have a class-which dance competitions/conventions DO sometimes have classes.. BUT.. Abby would do this for the $$$$ A person taking the class would pay the fee, get a shirt and a photo op.. at least 2 of the girls from the show- would be ASSISTANT TEACHERS.. yOU COULD ALSO just be a spectator-of course, for something like $35! The 'competition'? Most competitions-you have an AGE GROUP, then it is broken down to style of dance. (unless the competition is SMALL)..These women on the forum would say their kids would get trophies with the WRONG PLACE on it, the WRONG DATE, the WRONG STYPE of DANCE, etc, etc.. SO, they were handing out USED,2ND HAND TROPHIES!! aND THE SCHOOLS were paying high prices to compete.. and yes, some said these I. WERE FIXED!! -another reason D.M.s went to these invitationals.. at regular competitions.. the girls sometimes would not even PLACE!! NOT GOOD FOR RATINGS)

Anyhow.. EVEN 'NATIONALS ' on DANCE MOMS is not a NATIONAL COMPETITION on the show, but, again, an INVITATIONAL!! I do not KNOW, WHY, for 2 years.. ABBY has thrown CHLOE out of the competition OTHER then SHE HATES her MOTHER!! (AND YES, SHE DOES.. Abby is not the BRIGHTEST TOOL on this planet-Abby has EMAILED people outside of this show-saying things ABOUT CHLOE! yes,  the CHILD) I can only think that she HATES CHRISTI so much that she will not allow CHLOE to have a FAKE TITLE!!

ALDC did go to NATIONALS, a real one but A SMALLER ONE then their usual type-no STARBOUND, etc.. they went to SHEER TALENT this year. in JULY 2014-in LAS is the RESULT PAGE for pre-teen, teen   Yes, MADDIE is #1, but, you will notice, that #2-is also from ALDC-but a NAME never seen. KARA SWEENEY-Her mother must be NORMAL.. Kendall is there too. Here are the Jr and small results  McKenzie is under Jr with a girl.. not named SARAH.. but one named BROOKE.. (again, never seen).. and under TEENS.. a  name or two I know and a bunch I do not know.. ALDO won A LOT of GROUP, LINE numbers under SMALL, JUNIIOR, PRE TEEN, AND TEEN, but the comp does not put down the names of who competes.. BUT, I do know that CHLOE is not ONE of them.. CHLOE WAS a REAL NATIONAL champion-2 years ago.. but, now- I do not believe she belongs to ANY STUDIO.. Whether they do not have the time, or whether they are not ALLOWED to do so.. do not know..

BUT.. and I am not sure if this is TRUE.. supposedly CHLOE, NIA.. etc.. actually their mothers. have /had a 6 season contract with DANCE MOMS.. Someone said the CONTRACT is up.. I DO NOT KNOW.. (I know 'seasons' are different on CABLE).. and CHRISTI has SAID.. when she is ABLE-meaning that SHE CAN TALK WITHOUT BEING SUED.. she is going to TALK talk talk AND WE (MEANING anyone  who gives an eff) IS GOING TO HEAR THE TRUTH.. or, at least her version of it!!

What is a shame is that she cannot talk .. Nor can Kelly-(-mother of BROOKE?Paige -BTW-Abby is being sued for abusing PAIGE.. but ABBY can talk her mouth off without any problem (even though with the arrest of Kelly, lawsuit, she is not supposed to be talking!!).It should be GREAT TRASH TALK when they do!! Maybe Jerry or Maury CAN have them all on ! Though, if they get into a fight, Abby will KILL them by just sitting on them!!

