EXCLUSIVE! Pressley Hosbach is your new school year BFF

She's fun, she's fashionable, she keeps it real. And she just became your new school year BFF. Pressley Hosbach's mantra for back to school? Never. Be. Boring. "This year, I'm all about trying new things," explains the 15-year-old dancer, actress, singer and fashion designer (while, naturally, climbing on a desk at our Clueless-inspired photo shoot).

She's fun, she's fashionable, she keeps it real. And she just became your new school year BFF.

Pressley Hosbach's mantra for back to school? Never. Be. Boring.

"This year, I'm all about trying new things," explains the 15-year-old dancer, actress, singer and fashion designer (while, naturally, climbing on a desk at our Clueless-inspired photo shoot).

As for her secret to, well, not being boring? Kicking her comfort zone to the curb and leaving perfectionism in the past.

"Sometimes there's something I really want to do, whether it's wearing a bolder outfit or picking up a new hobby, and then I get too nervous," Pressley shares. "But I don't want to look back with regret thinking, 'you could have done so much more.'"

But forget the past—we're looking ahead to her future. On Pressley's vision board? All of her faves (hot pink/Harry Styles concerts/beach days with her family)...her biggest dreams (hint: Hannah Montana plays a part)...and even celebrating all the struggles and slip-ups (hey, they happen) along the way.

Because despite being one of the brightest/sunniest/happiest people you'll ever meet (srsly, she's one of the nicest girls ever), Pressley knows that the real secret to life is telling your authentic story, finding the courage to pursue new passions and simply having fun with it all.

And, let's be honest, we're *all* trying to be in our Pressley Hosbach era this fall.

GL: OK, obsessed with your Clueless looks right now.
Pressley: Me too! I love when I can do a shoot like this and take fashion risks. And, hello, Cher is an absolutely iconic character—I love her. This is like my dream day.

That matching set with the pink gloves is everything. You should really wear it home...
OMG, I wish. Being this daring in real life is something I'm still working on. It's scary to stand out, but when you have that moment that you look in the mirror and say to yourself, like, "Hey, I look good, I love that outfit," it's worth it.

So where have you been getting your inspo?
I'm super into Lizzie McGuire. I've been bingeing it and the looks are so good: layering, bold patterns, denim on denim. Just all the '90s and Y2K vibes. I'm even loving low-rise jeans. I have so many out-there fashion ideas. I'm working on the confidence to wear what makes me feel good without worrying what others have to say.

Did that confident, go-for-it vibe inspire your line with Teenzshop?
Definitely. I wanted other girls to feel like they could mix and match different aesthetics and experiment with style, too.

Take us behind the scenes of designing your own line.
I started with a mood board collage: sage green, cornflower blue, light brown and off-white. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a collection of random pieces I liked. It needed to feel authentic and tell my story.

So how did that play out?
The Brooklyn jacket is a tribute to my years growing up dancing for the Brooklyn Nets. And the Madison Square Garden T-shirt, that's inspired by the time Justin Bieber brought me up onstage during his Purpose Tour.

And now that you've conquered the fashion game, what's your next challenge?
Lately, music has been my biggest thing. I'm learning guitar.

Love that for you. What's your fave song to play?
I'm hoping to master "Watermelon Sugar." But it's a huge challenge! I'm just picking up the chords and the basics.

Where do you see your music career heading?
For now, I'm taking vocal lessons and I've been in the studio working on my first single. It's weird: I started dance classes so young, so having the experience of being new—and not so good—at something at first is a huge adjustment.

Never easy when you're a perfectionist.
Exactly. There was a tiny part of me that was, like, maybe I'll pick up the guitar for the first time and be a musical genius! But it takes a lot of time to build that confidence—and then to get out there and record and perform. So I am working through those feelings of being discouraged and trying not to rush things.

That way you're growing from the experience, too.
Yep, and knowing that by practicing and putting in the work, I'm guaranteed to get better. Everything takes time.

V. wise advice. What's your key to staying so grounded?
I try to take every night to journal or do some kind of cozy self-care.

What's in your journal?
Lots of random airplane doodles and ombre shading. And lately, some manifesting.

Care to share?
My dream would be to star in a musical comedy show like Victorious or Hannah Montana. I'm also launching a podcast with my mom, which I'm so excited about. It'll be the two of us sharing our opinions about pop culture and what's going on in our lives.

I love that you went to Coachella with your parents and posted about it on social media.
My parents are my best friends. Sometimes there's pressure to have that big friend group that you're always doing things with. But that's just not for me. My favorite nights are when I watch throwback movies or play Scattergories with my family. Or going to Disneyland with one of my best friends, Autumn. We always ride Guardians of the Galaxy, then try all the new foods and watch the fireworks.

Do you feel pressure to have a bigger friend group?
I thrive with one or two best friends who I can be open and honest with. I tend to overthink things, so I need a friend where I can say, like, "I don't know if it's just me...but is something up?"

You moved to Los Angeles last year. Has it been tough making new friends?
Making new friends is scary! It's hard to break out of your bubble and go up to someone and just start talking. Probably because we are always on our phones and sending pictures back and forth on Snapchat and not actually having a real conversation.

True. What advice would you give to someone hoping to make a new friend this year?
Find someone who looks nice. Maybe they're sitting alone or in a small group. Ask them something random like "what's your favorite color?" and start talking from there.

Yes, love it. My favorite color is sky blue.
See, it works!

Give us a mantra for this year.
I'll give you two! First, you were put on this planet for a reason—and it wasn't to compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own pace and path. And try new things and have fun! You don't have to have your entire future figured out. Enjoy where you are right now.

Hey, girl! Just wanted to let you know that this story originally ran in our August/September 2022 issue. Want more? Read the print mag for free *today* when you click HERE.

Credits: Photographed by Sean Scheidt. Styled by Lo VonRumpf. Hair by Phillip Nathaniel. Makeup by Maurie Davidson. 

