Foot Health Awareness Month - 1Foot 2Foot

April is National Foot Health Awareness Month. So as your foot and ankle specialist in Suffolk & Hampton, VA, I feel obligated to inform you that feet are important. The first step is looking down. Take a moment, look down where hopefully you will see a pair of feet some of you may only

Foot Health Awareness MonthApril is National Foot Health Awareness Month. So as your foot and ankle specialist in Suffolk & Hampton, VA, I feel obligated to inform you that feet are important. The first step is looking down. Take a moment, look down where hopefully you will see a pair of feet – some of you may only have one, but regardless, in seeing the one foot or two you have, you are now fully aware of their existence. Side note: If you have one foot or two, we at 1Foot 2Foot can help you. If you have none, you can stop reading here. If you have more than two, we can refer you to a local veterinarian.

Anyhow, now that we’ve heightened your foot awareness, why are they important? Feet get you from point A to point B. When you get out of bed in the morning, your feet are the first part of you to hit the floor. Because of your feet, you can walk or run. If you have only one, at least you can hop or lean or do that Karate Kid “crane pose”. Our feet also allow us to count to twenty – assuming you have 10 fingers and 10 toes. Don’t let the fact that there’s no “Hand Health Awareness” month distract you here, but I’ll concede that hands are important too.

At this point, you probably at least appreciate your feet a bit more than I when I started this blog. So how do we keep them healthy? It’s not “Foot Awareness Month” or “Foot Appreciation Month”, it’s “Foot Health Awareness Month” after all. So with that said, I encourage you to use four of your five senses to keep your feet happy and healthy.

