Full coverage of the taping for Friday's television show (spoilers)

Lilian Garcia came out during the apron change. Michael Cole and JBL out next. There were more boos than cheers for Cole. Nice pop for JBL. Triple H hosted a town hall meeting. Smackdown will open with wrestlers out on the stage for the town hall meeting. Christian was among the onstage talent. Hunter, Vickie,

Dot Net's Jason Powell attended the WWE Smackdown taping in Minneapolis, Minnesota and sent the following updates.

Lilian Garcia came out during the apron change. Michael Cole and JBL out next. There were more boos than cheers for Cole. Nice pop for JBL.

Triple H hosted a town hall meeting. Smackdown will open with wrestlers out on the stage for the town hall meeting. Christian was among the onstage talent. Hunter, Vickie, and Maddox in the ring. Highlights of Orton beating Cody Rhodes on Raw shown. There were lots of boos for Cody being fired. The opening music played…

Hunter said he didn't fire Cody, Cody fired Cody. Hunter said he gave him a chance to fight for his job. He doesn't want anyone to fear for their jobs so he set up the town hall meeting as an open forum. He opened it up for wrestler questions. No one would step forward. He said he wants to grow together and tired to put their minds at ease.

Damien Sandow stepped forward and said he supports the firing of Cody. Hunter said he doesn't want them to kiss his butt like that. Kofi stepped up and said the locker room is living in fear because Cody was fired and he doesn't see how that's best for business.

Heath Slater stepped up and complained about Show not stepping up. Hunter thanked him for emptying what he was sure was the entire content of his mind. Rob Van Dam stepped up and said what's happened hasn't been cool, dude. Hunter said he has waited since 2000 to hear RVD call him dude again. Ryback complained about being called a bully. Hunter booked a Ryback vs. Dolph rematch.

Hunter noted that Daniel Bryan was not onstage. He said that's because Bryan's ego is out of control. Hunter said Bryan can pick any member of The Shield to face tonight. Hunter booked Kofi vs. Axel in a non-title match, and RVD vs. Randy Orton as rewards for speaking up. Hunter introduced Orton. The Shield stood guard at ringside throughout the segment…

1. WWE Champion Randy Orton defeated Rob Van Dam (w/Ricardo Rodriguez) in a non-title match. Alberto Del Rio sat in on commentary. No crappy intro from Ricardo. There are people walking the aisle selling the "Yes!" towels for $5. Del Rio ran Ricardo into the ring post, then RVD did a flip onto Del Rio, who spent the rest of the match shaking his hand/arm. Orton won clean with the RKO. Del Rio looked fine when he beat up RVD afterward. There was a big RVD chant afterward.

A Los Matadores vignette aired… There was a backstage interview with Renee Young and Daniel Bryan, who said he was told by management not to attend the town hall meeting. He said he would let The Shield decide which one of them would face him since he knows it won't be one on one…

AJ told Layla, Alicia, and Aksana she would rather put her title on the line against one of them than Total Divas cast members…

2. Ryback beat Dolph Ziggler. Dean Ambrose attacked Ziggler during the match and then Ryback got the win...

3. Kofi Kingston beat Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel (w/Paul Heyman) in a non-title match. A quick shout out to Dot Net reader Andre who was nice enough to introduce himself. There were "Welcome home" chants for Axel. Believe it or not, there were even loud dueling chants for both men. Only in Minnesota. Kofi won with the SOS...

The Wyatt Family video from Monday aired…

4. Naomi (w/Cameron) fought Brie Bella (w/Nikki) to a no-contest. Crickets in the crowd. The Divas that AJ riled up earlier attacked both women for a no contest. Layla introduced AJ.

The Real Americans made their entrance. Another Los Matadores vignette aired. Only a "We the people," from Zeb Colter rather than a promo. Weak…

5. The Real Americans defeated The Uso's. One of the Uso's went up top, but Jack Swagger pushed him off and Antonio Cesaro caught him with the uppercut on the way down and pinned him. Cool finish.

Triple H told Big Show to treat 3MB as human stress balls and to blow off steam during a handicap match…

6. Big Show beat 3MB in a handicap match. Show hit a double chokeslam on Jinder and McIntyre, and then the KO punch on Slater for the win. 3MB left. The Shield's music played. Show headed to the stage and Hunter led him to the back while The Shield entered through the crowd.

7. Daniel Bryan beat Seth Rollins (w/Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose). There was a great yes/no dynamic during a punch exchange. Bryan won with a wicked German suplex, then a great missile drop kick. Bryan was tossed to the floor, where Reigns clotheslined him to boos. Rollins went up top and Bryan caught him in the Yes Lock on the way down. He released it because he was distracted, but he came back with the running knee for the win. Bryan went to the ramp to celebrate and was struck with the title belt. Randy Orton stood over Bryan to end the taping...

Dark Main Event:

Vickie Guerrero came out and mocked Daniel Bryan. She said he better get up because she promised the people a championship match...

1. Daniel Bryan beat Randy Orton by DQ in a WWE Championship match. Bryan locked in the Yes Lock and Orton teased tapping, but The Shield ran in for the DQ. RVD, Dolph, and Kofi made the save. RVD frog splash capped off the crowd pleasing finishers on Rollins to end the show. RVD chants followed. The faces shook hands at ringside as Bryan's music played to end the night. WWE also advertised a six-man tag match with The Shield vs. RVD, Mark Henry, and Daniel Bryan that did not take place.

