How Are Chakras & Emotions Related?

The mainchakra systemconsists of seven energy wheels that spin and spread energy in the environment that surrounds the body. These wheels also take energy from the outside world and distribute it to the blood, the main glands, the organs and the nervous centres. Practically, the 7 chakras help certain parts of the body to function

The main chakra system consists of seven energy wheels that spin and spread energy in the environment that surrounds the body. These wheels also take energy from the outside world and distribute it to the blood, the main glands, the organs and the nervous centres. Practically, the 7 chakras help certain parts of the body to function properly.

Our thoughts and feelings directly affect the chakra system.

In fact, our thoughts, feelings and attitudes can shrink or even completely block the energy flow of a chakra to certain areas of the body. It depends on the way we look at the obstacles in life and the way we deal with challenges.

For example, if we have been repeatedly hurt in romantic relationships, our operating mode can be based on the belief that “love is a poisoned apple”, so we will stop the energy or vital force to the heart chakra. After years of working in this pattern of habits, the heart can no longer receive the vital energy it needs. This energy deprivation creates an abnormal energy flow which, over time, can lead to a physical disorder, such as a heart disease. Emotional pain such as “a heavy heart or heartbreak” can create a severe blockage of energy in this chakra and lead to a poor functioning of the heart.

So let’s have a brief look at the 7 chakras, at what they represent, how imbalances can affect them and how healing specific chakras can effectively treat some diseases.

When in balance we feel secure, connected, supported, strong, trusting and safe.

When out of balance we feel insecure, angry, annoyed, irritated and worried about our basic needs such as money, food and shelter.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Root Chakra:  loneliness, insecurities, feeling ungrounded, unconfident, abandoned, indecisive, depressed, anxious, addictions, phobias, obsessions.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced Root Chakra:  lower-back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, constipation, diarrhea, rectal/anal problems, impotence, water retention, and problems with groin, hips, legs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet. 

Healing the Root Chakra: Balancing and opening the root/base chakra allows negative emotions to be released, regenerating confidence and your will to move forward in life. A healthy root/base chakra promotes feelings of security and encourages exploration to find your life’s purpose and achieve success. A balanced root chakra also generates the flow of energy to all other chakras. It is important to wear or carry crystals/gemstones to heal the root chakra and maintain its positive energy flow. 

The centre for sexual energy, creativity and pure emotions. Balances free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions.

When in balance we feel brave, passionate, energetic, outgoing, confident, considerate, creative, spontaneous, excited, open, kind and happily connected to life.

When out of balance we feel unsure of ourselves in relationships, vulnerability and fear in expressing truths leading to suppressing needs, feeling betrayed, addicted, frustrated, regret, anxiety, stress and guilt.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra: eating disorders, addictions, low self-confidence, dependency issues, low libido, and unbalanced emotions.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra: kidney problems and urinary tract infections, chronic lower back pain, sexual disorders, infertility, gynecological problems, dysfunctional menstrual cycles, and problems with the intestines, spleen, and gallbladder.

Healing the Sacral Chakra: Balancing and opening the sacral chakra allows you to feel energized and confident in all aspects of your life. You feel inspired and life seems to flow. People are attracted to your positive energy and opportunities open for you. With a healthy sacral chakra, you are able to live in the moment and experience life to the fullest. Physical tasks become easier while stamina increases. It is important to wear or carry crystals/gemstones to heal the sacral chakra and maintain its positive energy flow.

Where the personality is formed.  Relates to our feelings of being integrated into the melting pot of spiritual and earthy aspects. This is our gut instinct chakra.

When in balance we feel positive, whole, self-respect, compassion, self-esteem, personal power, a sense of separate self, confidence, hope and assertive.

When out of balance we feel powerless, worthless, self-critical, fear, shame, rejected and self-conscious. There is a need to dominate and control from fear of trust in the natural flow.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: lack of memory and concentration, frequent fearing, feeling uncentered, sugar addictions, insomnia, and eating disorders.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra:  digestive and intestinal disorders, indigestion, food allergies, eating disorders, poor metabolism, diabetes, obesity, eczema, acne, and other stress-related skin conditions.

Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra: Balancing and opening the solar plexus chakra allows you to feel centered in your mind, body, and spirit. Relaxed and comfortable in your own skin. The energy of this chakra permeates to the other chakras relieving many physical and psychological diseases or disorders. It allows you to be more aware of your own energy and being, comfortable in your decisions, and psychically connected to your “gut” feelings so that you may act accordingly with confidence.It is important to wear or carry crystals/gemstones to heal the solar plexus chakra and maintain its positive energy flow. 

Relates to our centre of love, spirituality, humanity and healing. Our heart chakra is the neutralising centre of all feelings and emotions.

When in balance we feel joy, gratitude, love, unity of divine, compassion, trust, faith, pride, acceptance, inspiration, forgiveness and empathy.

When out of balance we feel jealous, abandoned, anger, bitterness, fear, rejection, envy, conditional love.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced heart chakra: apathetic, faithlessness, unforgiving, hopelessness, distrustful, uncommitted, and detached.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced heart chakra: pneumonia, asthma, breast problems, respiratory problems, upper-back pain, shoulder and upper-arm pain, and premature aging.

Healing the Heart Chakra: Balancing and opening the heart chakra enhances the love for self and others. It allows you to feel compassion, empathy, and forgiveness for others, and reconnects you to the loving world around you. You are able to connect with the child-like world vision of beauty you were born with, generating adventure and zest for life. Peace and harmony flourish in relationships with others and self. It is important to wear or carry crystals/gemstones to heal the heart chakra and maintain its positive energy flow.

Relates to expressing our truth, communicating our needs and taking responsibility for decision making. Also connects to our abilities to manifest our creativity

When in balance we feel we can relax, communicate freely, express ourselves, be who we are, honest, truthful, congruent. Also be silent and intuitive.

When out of balance we feel powerless to speak out, fear of being judged, rejected and this can lead to feeling out of control, hurt, sad, negative and resentful.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Throat Chakra: nervousness, anxiety, fear, attention deficit disorders, poor coping skills, feeling isolated.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced Throat Chakra: problems with the nasal area, irritated sinuses, sore throat, jaw pain and TMJ, voice loss, thyroid problems, teeth and gum problems, and ailments of the esophagus and tonsils. 

Healing the Throat Chakra: Balancing and opening the throat chakra allows you to express your feelings and communicate freely, without worry of criticism or judgment from self or others. It promotes honesty and harmony with our feelings and actions, and helps us to live more authentically and free. A balanced throat chakra helps us with successful communication in relationships and at work, and is especially helpful to those with careers relying on communication and self-expression. It is important to wear or carry crystals/gemstones to heal the throat chakra and maintain its positive energy flow. 

Relates to our inner vision, unity, perspective and divine spiritual wisdom, understanding and intuition.

When in balance we feel clear, empathic, focused, can determine between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom, insight and intelligence. There is an awareness of a spiritual connective realm beyond the physical.

When out of balance we reject ideas of spiritual aspects of life, can be in fear of self and others, exaggerate truths, feel volatile, moody and are unable to self-reflect. Only sees the obvious, black and white of life.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Third-Eye Chakra: headaches and migraines, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, learning difficulties, and hallucinations.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced Third-Eye Chakra: eye problems, glaucoma, ear problems and hearing difficulties, spinal conditions, and scalp/hair issues.

Healing the Third-Eye Chakra: Balancing and opening the third-eye chakra promotes clarity, inspiration, and innovation. It allows us to follow our dreams and enhances our innate psychic abilities and spiritual connections. A balanced third-eye chakra helps us process the timeline of our own lives, enabling us to learn from our past, be present in the now, and see and achieve our future. Dream interpretation becomes easier, intuitions are stronger and clearer, and we feel a deeper connection to the universal plan of our lives. This sense of being “guided” opens up doors of possibilities to reaching our goals. It is important to wear or carry crystals/gemstones to heal the third-eye chakra and maintain its positive energy flow.

Connects us to an awareness of Oneness with source/spirit, integration of whole, living in the now, meaning, devotion. A conscious alignment of knowledge beyond words or intellect

When in balance we feel empowered, calm, valued, present to the moment, trusting of ourselves and the the flow of life. See ourselves as a reflection of the divine. Can abandon ego for a higher universal purpose.

When out of balance we feel confusion, fear, alienation, depression. We may have very fixed thoughts on religion and spirituality, be black and white thinkers who are not able to go with the flow.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Crown Chakra: depression, confusion, loss of faith, mentally disconnected, dementia, epilepsy, schizophrenia.

Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced Crown Chakra: light sensitivity, headaches, dementia, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, (the crown chakra affects the health of our brains and therefore our entire mental, physical, and spiritual health).

Healing the Crown Chakra: Balancing and opening the crown chakra is essential for a deep, spiritual connection within ourselves, the universe, and God. Energy entering and leaving the Crown facilitates our flow of positive energy with the other six chakras, and creates the outlook we hold on life.

