How to link with Downlow and Mostly Straight Men

I've been dealing with one for approx. a year and I'm fed up with it and wish now I'd never ever met him. I've wasted so much time over the past year on this game player with no pay-off. He's a 20 something Palestinian American dude that opened a smoke shop a few doors down

I've been dealing with one for approx. a year and I'm fed up with it and wish now I'd never ever met him. I've wasted so much time over the past year on this game player with no pay-off. He's a 20 something Palestinian American dude that opened a smoke shop a few doors down from me in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

I got a strong interest vibe from him from the moment I first met him. Right off the bat, he started shooting the breeze with me about all kinds of personal things that I interpreted as him showing interest. Falling for the bait, I started exhibiting more interest, stopping by at times to say hello even when I wasn't shopping there.

I won't bother going through all the many ins and outs of our dealings with each other but I will highlight a few key ones here now-

After introducing myself to him by my first name on several occasions and learning from him that his name was Mike, I started noticing him calling me things like 'my brother' instead of using my real name so I finally asked him and confirmed he hadn't remembered my name at all from any of the several times I'd previously told him. I also found out from an Egyptian we both know in the neighborhood, that his real name is actually Mo, short for Mohammad. When confronted by me about it, he swore he also goes by Mike but I now don't believe this is true.

During our flirting phase, I'd sometimes buy and bring him expensive coffee drinks from Dunkin Donuts I knew he liked which he always readily accepted. From our discussions, he found out about certain medications I have on hand. I started providing him intermittently with the odd Adderall and Viagra pill for free that he asked for. After he got the first Viagra, he surprisingly showed me the on-line pic of a Latina thot he was meeting up with to use it on. He also at that time showed me a pic of of his two young children which I'd never known about before (or even the fact he was presently married).

I started avoiding him after that, but he stayed friendly whenever I happened to see him so I stupidly befriended him again. One time when I stopped in his shop, I jokingly made reference to him allowing a gay man, me, to openly flirt with him for freebies (DD drinks, pills). He immediately took exception, denying he was anything but 100 percent straight. Feeling humiliated, I just walked out. The next time I saw him on the street I went off on him. I said I'd never claimed he was gay himself but the fact that he got so defensive about the gay remark let me know what a shameful thing it is in his mind but I personally think the fact that he hooks up with side chicks while married and with young kids is a much more shameful thing to me.

I decided to no longer deal with him anymore after that. But then he started doing things to get me interested in him again. For instance, he blew multiple kisses at me when I was passing outside his shop and he saw me one day. He even tried to start up conversations about his penis, about how he suffers from premature ejaculation and such. Oh and a few days ago, he let it slip that his wife is now expecting their third child.

Now you can see why I'm fed up with these 'gaybatting'/downlow tyypes.

