Katie Holmes Demands More Child Support From Tom Cruise

After Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise divorced because of Cruises obsession with Scientology, Katie landed more the $400,000 a year in child support from Tom. And now, years after their divorce settlement, Katie is threatening to take Tom back to court for more child support money.

After Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise divorced because of Cruise’s obsession with Scientology, Katie landed more the $400,000 a year in child support from Tom.

And now, years after their divorce settlement, Katie is threatening to take Tom back to court for more child support money.

We aren’t sure why Katie needs more money to support their 9-year-old daughter Suri. But we do think this could be a way of punishing Tom for not seeing his daughter for more than two years.

According to an insider who dished the details to Life & Style Magazine, “She’s going to ask that the $400,000 a year in support she currently gets be amended to a higher amount.”

The source added, “While Katie’s taking every acting job that comes her way, she doesn’t have the ability to keep her and Suri living the lifestyle that Tom’s fortune allowed.”

More money is needed to keep up with Suri’s lifestyle the source said: “There’s also the fact that Suri is getting older and needs more money to travel back and forth across the country with Katie, as well as for her dance, skating and music lessons, new clothes, arts and crafts, and tutors.”

The insider stated that Suri’s “needs will only grow exponentially over the next few years” and that Holmes is “preparing … to make sure she gets the money she needs.”

Will this be a wake-up call for Tom? Will he be reminded that he needs to support and see his daughter?

In August, rumors claimed Tom saw his daughter for the first time in two years and that he was attempting to build a relationship with her.  However, the newest gossip suggests otherwise.

Cruise blames his work commitments, citing that they prevent him from seeing Suri. He spends most of his time in London, while Suri is in New York and Los Angeles.

Holmes isn’t accepting any excuses though. According to the insider, she is ready to put up a fight. “She’s grown a lot tougher since splitting from Tom. The marriage was suffocating her, but she’s no longer afraid,” the source dished.

Like most people, Katie feels that life without Tom is no big deal. In fact, life without Tom is probably better!

She just wants him to take care of their daughter.  Holmes “would be fine if she never saw Tom again, but taking proper care of his daughter financially is another matter,” the source reassured.

The Hollywood Gossip

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