Larry Birkhead: 10 Things You Didnt Know

If you know who Anna Nicole Smith was, you know who Larry Birkhead is. Larry and Anna dated before she passed and Anna discovered that she was pregnant. There have been many rumors and speculations that Annas lawyer, Howard K. Stern, was using drugs to control Anna. After Anna found out that she was pregnant,

If you know who Anna Nicole Smith was, you know who Larry Birkhead is. Larry and Anna dated before she passed and Anna discovered that she was pregnant. There have been many rumors and speculations that Anna’s lawyer, Howard K. Stern, was using drugs to control Anna. After Anna found out that she was pregnant, she insisted that the baby was Howard’s and not Larry’s. Many other men claimed to be the father as well. Larry was sure that the baby was his, and he went through various legal channels to get the truth. Sadly, Anna Nicole Smith passed away when her daughter was just an infant. Larry was able to get the DNA test that he needed to prove that his daughter, Dannielynn, was his.

Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Larry Birkhead.

He Grew Up in Kentucky

Larry grew up in Louisville Kentucky. He lived there with his family, and he attended Louisville’s Doss High School. Larry says that he loved growing up in Louisville so much that he decided to remain there ad raise his daughter.

He Has a Twin Brother

Larry is the son of Larry L. Birkhead and Nancy Birkhead. He has a sister named Angela Heuser and a half sister named Judy Birkhead. He also has a twin brother named Lewis. He says that growing up with a twin brother was great because it was like growing up with your best friend.

He Has a College Degree

After Larry graduated from high school, he attended the University of Louisville. He earned his degree in 1999.

He Lives With His Family

At first, Larry lived alone with Dannielynn. When she was a few year old, his sister Angie moved in with them. She also brought her two children, Chloe and Justin. They all live together like one big, chaotic family.

Larry Makes it a Point to Keep Anna’s Memory Alive

Anna’s death took a toll on Larry. Sadly, he didn’t have a chance to grieve. He was too busy going to court fighting for his right to a DNA test and then fighting to get custody of his daughter. He says that he never stopped loving Anna and he tries to keep her memory alive for himself and their daughter. Larry was once a painter, and he painted a portrait of Anna Nicole that hangs in his family home. He says that he leaves it there because she is never far from his mind.

He Appeared on Celebrity Wife Swap

Larry and his family appeared on celebrity wife swap. Since he is not married, it was his sister, Angie, who switched places with the Indianapolis 500 champion, Helio Castroneves’ girlfriend, Adriana. The two women live very different lives. Angie and Larry’s kids don’t have a set schedule or assigned chores. They often eat fast food meals in front of the television. Adriana lives a different life. She is neat and organized and very strict with her daughter’s schedule. According to Larry, it was a very interesting experiment.

He Welcomes Help From Anna Nicole’s Mother

There have been rumors and reports over the years that state that Larry was keeping Dannielynn away from Anna Nicole’s mother Virgie Arthur. After several news outlets began reporting the story, Larry decided to shut it down. He said during an interview that he has taken Dannielynn to see Virgie on more than one occasion and he welcomes her as part of Dannilynn’s life. He said that he can take all the help that he can get.

He Still Gets Emotional When He Thinks About Anna Nicole

Larry says that although it has been a long time since she passed, he still gets emotional when he thinks about Anna Nicole. He says that there were things that he never got to say to her before she died and that there are things that he wished he could say. When he fills out forms for Dannielynn and there are sections about her mother, he says it breaks his heart to write “deceased”.

He Attends the Kentucky Derby With Dannielynn Every Year

Larry tries to avoid public events with Dannielynn because he wants her to be a regular kid. He does, however, have a tradition where the two attend the Kentucky Derby together each year. For Larry, it is a sentimental tradition because he first met Anna Nicole at a Kentucky Derby party.

He Takes Dannielynn to Her Mother’s Grave Often

According to Larry, takes Dannielynn to the Bahamas often because that is where her mother is buried.

Larry Birkhead met Anna Nicole Smith and he fell in love. Sadly, she was torn away from him by her controlling lawyer and boyfriend, Howard K. Stern. He may not have been there for Anna when she passed, but he has been there for their daughter since she was only 5 months old. He is a single father and he is a really good one.

Photo via Twitter

