Marina Alexs Workout Secrets Revealed After "Spontaneous Banff Adventure" Celebwell

Marina Alex, a pro golfer from America that's part of the LPGA, has her go to health habits that keep her at the top of her golf game. "When life gives you lemons, just say F the lemons and bail" Paul Rudd. Spontaneous Banff adventure," she said on Instagram. What does she do to

Marina Alex, a pro golfer from America that's part of the LPGA, has her go to health habits that keep her at the top of her golf game. "When life gives you lemons, just say F the lemons and bail" – Paul Rudd. Spontaneous Banff adventure," she said on Instagram. What does she do to stay healthy in between travel and adventure? We found out some of her go-to tips and tricks!

She values the team that helps her reach her goals, and trusts the process. "I think the biggest thing is you have your believe in yourself, believe in your abilities, believe in your team around you. You really need to trust that everything that you're doing are the right steps to get you there," she said.

She knows change and improvement doesn't happen overnight. "Be patient. Everyone's process is different. It took me a really long time to get to where I am and it takes some people not a lot of time at all. So you just need to understand that, and when you feel you're trending in the right direction, you take advantage of that the best you can and be patient when you're not playing your best golf," she said.

She studies her workouts and backswing positions to make sure she's working out and practicing correctly. "Practice tips at home are tricky. It depends on what you have access to. If you have enough space to do mirror work, I really like doing that. Looking at my backswing positions and checking at my set-up front on, all that kind of stuff…it's just a good visual reminder to see what you're doing," she said.

She aims to maintain her range of motion and strength. "This is kind of hard to explain. But I think the most important thing with golf, especially when we don't have access to a gym or equipment, is maintaining a good core and lower body strength so you can simply do that with some basic squats or an ab routine of some kind," she said. She continues on to say that "maintaining a good range of motion, like upper body vs lower body. And that might be as simple in your workout as standing on one leg and rotating internally and externally against the leg that you are currently standing on."

She continues to practice regularly, especially when it comes to her short game. "My favorite part of the game to work is probably short game just because there's so much variety. I can do chipping, putting, bunker, pitches, out-of-the-rough type grass, all different clubs…it's endless in the types of practice, and it can be a lot of fun," she said.

