MARVEL SNAP GaLad to Meet You! Deck Build

By Tavern Painter. From the moment I saw Pixies design I knew I would be spending a lot of time with the card building strange brews. Its rare when I can shove multiple favorite cards into a deck and it actually performs for me. I started this season with 2 decks MonkeyBounce & PixieGalactus

GaLad to Meet You!

By Tavern Painter.

From the moment I saw Pixie’s design I knew I would be spending a lot of time with the card building strange brews.

It’s rare when I can shove multiple favorite cards into a deck and it actually performs for me. I started this season with 2 decks – MonkeyBounce & PixieGalactus – and over the last two weeks have smushed them together to my surprising enjoyment.

Click to enlarge…

Without further ado the card-by-card breakdown:

  • America Chavez – STATS! I realized after playing Nico in the deck for so long and I liked the +2 spell the most.
  • Martyr – I just wanted a 1-cost that had good power. Her downside isn’t always relevant…
  • Titania – Combos nicely with Kate’s Acid Arrow, and another 1-cost for Swan+Monkey
  • Pixie – The “force multiplier.” She makes the deck go from a Monkey spam deck to a “oh it’s also a weird deck too.”
  • Hawkeye Kate Bishop – A reasonable body that helps MonkeySwan? Sign me up.
  • Scarlet Witch – Can’t do anything about Sanctum or Crimson Cosmos, but the witch is still great in a pinch.
  • Hit-Monkey – Half the reason to play the deck. This is the main win-con when paired with a hand of 1-costs, and Black Swan on turn 4 or 5.
  • Beast – Another way to get your 1-cost cards to zero so you can get a bigger Monkey. Also can pick up a monkey if played earlier (as well as just being a good generic “tech card” for clog or annoying locations).
  • Black Swan – You can “combo off” without playing Swan or Beast, but it is harder to do win with just Monkey & 1-costs.
  • Iron Lad – I like to run my Pixie decks with a singular 4-cost. Getting to Lad->Galactus is a feeling I can only describe as “awesome.” On the flip side, Lad copying Martyr or Titania unexpectedly can be a good way to throw a game. Hit% needs to be calculated.
  • Galactus – The half reason. Being a Galactus player requires courage. You will whiff, but the times when you get to see the animation pretty much always make up for it. Even if it’s just for a single cube.
  • Alioth – This deck can do ok with getting and keeping priority because of its 1/5s etc. In addition to that, getting to Pixie into an early Galactus means Alioth is almost assuredly your finish to the game.

Deck Code:


Hopefully this guide helped you!

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