Mimicking effects of 44 solomon seals

Golden Sunrise REspected, Sharat Sir, Rakhee maam, and dear VK tutors, 2 questions Lets take for example 1st seal - penticle of Jupiter - A talisman for acquiring treasure for gaining business Eg; A) CHARGING WATER -

Golden Sunrise

REspected, Sharat Sir, Rakhee maam, and dear VK tutors,

2 questions

  • Can we mimic the effect of 44 seals of solomon for our benefits (to solve our day to day problems or for healing purpose)
  • Lets take for example 1st seal - penticle of Jupiter - A talisman for acquiring treasure for gaining business


    HOld VK in my hand and say -"positive effects and positive benefits of "seal of penticle of Jupiter" " X 3 with safety and security now forever and rotate over water bottle 20 times.


    B) Direct request

    Dear Vk "Please ACTIVATE positive efffects and positive benefits of seal of penticle of Jupiter to me with safety and security now forever " x 3 TIMES.


    C) mimicking request - Here can I take print out of all seals, laminate them one by one and keep them with me

    and request as per need

    Like I place the print out of "seal of penticle of Jupiter" in front of me.. and say

    Dear Vk - " Activate positive effects and positive benefits of seal of penticle of Jupiter" x 3 and then rotate Vk over the laminated paper of the seal. and then keep in my pocket.

    Please guide if the above is correct or wrong.

    if wrong, please guide what is correct way of requesting.

