N.J. Home of Whitney Houston Headed For Foreclosure

If Whitney Houston cant come up with $1 million in unpaid back taxes by January 4, her New Jersey home will be sold in a sheriffs auction. Really. According to the Morris County Daily Record, Houston has to pay off the home mortgage and back taxes on a portion of her $6 million estate

If Whitney Houston can’t come up with $1 million in unpaid back taxes by January 4, her New Jersey home will be sold in a sheriff’s auction.

Really. According to the Morris County Daily Record, Houston has to pay off the home mortgage and back taxes on a portion of her $6 million estate in New Jersey’s Mendham Township, or risk foreclosure.

This is the second case of celebrity foreclosure that THG has covered since its inception earlier this year. The first concerned Dustin Diamond, the comedian and former Saved By The Bell star who was having money problems before he made a lewd sex tape that somehow made its way into the hands of legendary porn broker David Hans Schmidt. That guy is sick.

Houston’s publicist, Nancy Seltzer, told the paper through a secretary that Houston’s property was not in foreclosure. So it appears Whitney, whose recent divorce still lingers, has representation, if not taxation. So to speak.

We know Bobby Brown won’t be helping her out, that’s for damn sure. That jackass makes Kevin Federline look like a good husband. Bobby not only cheated on Whitney and did a $h!tload of drugs, but he can’t even take a break from banging Karrine Steffans long enough to pay child support!

For those concerned about Houston’s well-being, please note: the money is owed on only a small portion of Houston’s sprawling, 10-acre estate, and that the singer also owns several dwellings in other states.

On top of that, she spends most of her time in L.A., leaving the New Jersey home for friends and relatives. Like the one who took pictures from inside one of Houston’s residences and sent them in The National Enquirer, calling it a “crack house.”

That’s just wrong. It’s a crack mansion, bitches.

