Ogden Egyptian Theatre Board Pushing For Several Renovations Before Centennial Celebration

OGDEN, Utah A new digital marquee, along with a replica of the original blade style sign will be just the first of many improvements, coming to the Peerys Egyptian Theatre, if the theatres foundation has its way.

OGDEN, Utah – A new digital marquee, along with a replica of the original ‘blade’ style sign will be just the first of many improvements, coming to the Peery’s Egyptian Theatre, if the theatre’s foundation has it’s way.

“What we wanted to do was draw some attention for people coming up and down Washington, and just kind of restore it to what we think is one of the great movie palaces left,” Egyptian Theatre Foundation President, Rob Werner said of the recent improvement.

Werner says the new additions to the outside are likely just the first of several upgrades that will be put in place in time for the 100-year celebration of the theatre, in 2024.

“Back in the 20’s when King Tut’s tomb was discovered, Egyptian theatres popped up all over the country, there was 40 some theatres that popped up as Egyptian theatres,” Werner said. “Now there’s only seven left in the country that still operate.”

Some of the major improvements on the horizon, include updating the 800 seats, switching to more efficient LED lighting, and replacing the large metal doors at the front and lobby entryways. If the foundation has it’s way, the grand total for all three of those projects could come in at around $5-$600,000.

“We think the money exists out there,” Werner said. “It’s just a matter of do we appeal to the right audience, do we appeal to the right people, but there’s a lot of people in Ogden and all throughout the area who have never been in this theatre, and when they come in here for the first time, they’re literally in awe.”

The Egyptian Theatre Foundation has a number of ways that people can donate, including getting their names printed on plaques on theatre seats, for $150 to $250. https://egyptiantheaterfoundation.org/

