ROH on HonorClub results (6/6): Robinsons review of Kyle Fletcher vs. Dalton Castle for the R

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine) Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 67)Taped May 25, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada at MGM Grand Garden ArenaStreamed June 6, 2024 on HonorClub Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer


By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 67)
Taped May 25, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada at MGM Grand Garden Arena
Streamed June 6, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

The show started with a rundown of the matches…

1. Queen Aminata vs. Mazzerati. No entrance for Mazzerati. Each woman pushed the other into the corner and gave clean breaks. Aminata hit a waistlock slam and then paint brushed the face of Mazzerati with her boot. Mazzerati hit a leg kick and tried a roll through, but Aminata hit a big release German suplex. Aminata hit a big kick that threw Mazzerati out of the ring save for her feet holding her up by the ropes. Aminata hit a big running dropkick while Mazzerati was in this modified tree of woe. Back in the ring, Mazzerati tried to throw some punches but Aminata pushed her down hard and then hit a running air raid crash for the pinfall.

Queen Aminata defeated Mazzerati by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Nice squash match win for Aminata leading into what looks like a match with Athena.

Backstage, Lexi asked Dalton Castle about his ROH TV Title match, but Dalton apologized to Lexi and said that after some talk with his therapist, he’s now running cool. Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie came into frame talking about missing sunglasses. Castle said he’s got no qualms with TV, and they all said “Qualm” weirdly. Castle said he’s going to win the ROH TV Title and he’s got big plans. TV said he’s got bigger plans. Then they compared the size of their “plans” while Lexi was looking on scared and Taya was amused.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Ah, more Castle and TV weirdness, this time with dick jokes. Great ::end sarcasm::

2. Marina Shafir vs. Amira. No entrance for Amira. Shafir picked the leg immediately but Amira got to the ropes. Shafir stuffed a shoulder block attempt and knocked Amira down with a big kick. Shafir mounted for some punches and tried a arm hold to no avail, cartwheeled out and hit a soft PK. “Amira” chanted the crowd, and Shafir put Amira down with a kick. Shafir hit a belly to belly and locked in a reverse sleeper for the referee stoppage.

Marina Shafir defeated Amira by referee stoppage.

Robinson’s Ruminations: The reverse sleeper is a creepy looking move. She stared down the camera while choking Amira out. Nice Squash

We got a commercial for Forbidden Door.

3. Kyle Fletcher vs. Dalton Castle for the ROH TV Championship. “Dalton Castle” chanted the crowd, as Castle tried for the Code of Honor handshake, only for Fletcher to kick it away. Castle went for an early suplex, but Fletcher grabbed the ropes. Castle went behind and tried a german suplex, only for Fletcher to grab the ropes. Fletcher pushed Castle and Castle got angry and pushed him out of the ring, and Fletcher took a stroll and bumped fists with some fans. Crowd did some split chants as Fletcher stalled. Eventually Castle chased Fletcher into the ring and hit a clothesline and DDT that made Fletcher roll back to ringside and stall some more. Castle gave chase again but Fletcher caught him this time with a leg lariat that sent Castle to ringside.

Fletcher followed Castle out and blasted him with a big boot and then ran him into some barricades and posed while Castle held his shoulder. Back in the ring, Castle pushed Fletcher through the ropes and Fletcher gave his arm a hotshot. Fletcher stomped on the shoulder and arm of Castle. Fletcher delivered some chops in the corner and jawed at the crowd. Castle came back with some chops but Fletcher turned it around quickly with some chops and kicks to the shoulder in the corner. Castle slipped out of a tombstone attempt with a roll up for a two count. Both men went running and hit the double clothesline for a double down. Castle hit his exploder suplex and then a belly to back one as well. Fletcher fought back with some elbows but Castle caught him for Bangarang and Fletcher fought out.

Fletcher tried a cutter off the middle rope, but Castle caught him and hit a German suplex. Castle tried for Bangarang again, but Fletcher fought and out and went up top only to get crotched. Castle hit a running knee that sent Fletcher to ringside. Fletcher hit a half nelson dragon suplex on the outside and then rolled inside for the count out attempt. Castle got in the ring on the 19 count. Fletcher hit a big running boot and then a brainbuster for a really close two count. Fletcher and Castle traded piledriver and bangarang attempts until Fletcher rolled through for a two count. They did it again and Castle rolled it through for a two count. Fletcher hit a superkick and a running leg lariat. Castle rolled through another piledriver attempt for another two count with a jackknife. Fletcher popped up and hit his piledriver for the pinfall.

Kyle Fletcher defeated Dalton Castle by pinfall to retain the ROH TV Championship.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Good match down the stretch, but man there was a lot of stalling at the top, and they didn’t earn the double down spot that early in the match.

4. “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo (w/Trish Adora) vs. Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts. No televised entrance for Watts and Comoroto. Bravo tried a headlock but Comoroto just stood up. Dean got the blind tag and Infantry hit a double hip toss and elbow drop and got a one count. Comoroto skinned the cat to a big cheer only to turn around into a dropkick from Dean. Dean set up for a running move but Watts got in his face and Comoroto took over with a clothesline and some punches.

Comoroto hit a back suplex and got some support from Watts. Dean flipped out of another back suplex attempt and hit the tag to Bravo who hit a crossbody off the top. Bravo hit a high knee and a tornado DDT with a tag too. Infantry went for Boot Camp but Watts put up the knee. Watts ate a double superkick from the Infantry who turned around into a double clothesline and then lamented the fact Watts was down. Infantry hit a double superkick and a splash off the top from Dean for the pinfall.

“The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo defeated Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: The story of Watts making Comoroto fight matches two-on-one continues, but I’m still not into it. The Infantry looked good as always.

Backstage, Lee Johnson said he’s on another winning streak with nothing to show for it. He called out Fletcher for one more match. Fletcher came in and said to keep his name out of his mouth. Fletcher said he must have forgotten the beating he gave Johnson last time. He told Johnson to go to the back of the line. Johnson asked for a two out of three falls match. Fletcher said he has been bored by the lack of competition and agreed to the match and shoulder bumped Johnson on the way out…

Robinson’s Ruminations: I’m actually looking forward to that match. These two had some chemistry last time and two out of three falls could be fun.

5. ROH Women’s TV Champion Billie Starkz vs. Zamaya in a Proving Ground match. Starkz hit a trip out of a waistlock and messed with the big hair of Zamaya. Starkz hit a knee to the face move and then locked in a half nelson fishhook. Zamaya elbowed out of the hold, but Starkz went right back behind and hit a german suplex. Starkz mimed kicking dirt on the face of Zamaya in the corner. Zamaya slid out of the ring and Starkz followed. Starkz ran her into the barricade and stomped on her. Back in the ring, Zamaya slipped out of a suplex attempt and hit a throat thrust, but Starkz came right back with a rope to the throat and a knee to the back and then her swan dive for the pinfall.

Billie Starkz defeated Zamaya by pinfall.

After the match, Red Velvet snuck up on Starkz, but gave Starkz space to run and she did. Velvet called her back to the ring, and Aminata snuck up from behind Starkz on the ramp and sent her into the ring. The ladies traded mounted punches as the bell rang and the refs tried to pull them apart. Starkz went up the ramp as Velvet and Aminata celebrated.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Some mistimed moves in the match which made it clunky in places, but this was all a set up for Red Velvet to get her revenge from last week.

6. Griff Garrison, Cole Karter, and Johnny TV (w/ Taya Valkyrie) vs. Jacked Jameson and “Iron Savages” Bronson and Beefcake Boulder vs. “Dark Order” Evil Uno, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds (w/Negative One) in a three-way tag match. Jameson did some heel mic work on the way to the ring, calling the crowd virgins and low T, but then did their catchphrase about living hoss and sipping sauce.

“Johnny Hungie” chanted the crowd as the match got started. Silver and Jameson did a pose off as the bell rang, but Jameson is less jacked and more shredded these days. Silver hit a running elbow and Bronson tagged in only to get tripped into the Dark Order corner. Uno ate a back elbow from Bronson shortly thereafter. Boulder tagged in nd they tried for Titty City only for Uno to reverse it. Both Savages got dumped to ringside and Johnny TV dove onto them. TV and Valkyrie made out on the floor as TV held Uno and then hit Moonlight Drive on the floor.

Back in the ring, TV and the Baby Boys worked over Uno with quick tags in their corner. Eventually Uno fought out and did his leg held neckbreaker move and got the hot tag to Reynolds. Reynolds came in with clotheslines and tried for a butterfly move only to eat a disaster kick. Baby Boys hit a TKO head kick combo move for a broken up nearfall. It broke down and everyone was hitting a big move on the last one. TV hit a shining wizard to the back of Jameson’s head and then posed with the Baby Boys. Then they ate a running crossbody from Boulder. Savages tried their Transformers splash but Reynolds broke it up with a huge cutter. Silver came in and hit Boulder with a german suplex. Jameson tagged in only for Dark Order to clear the ring and hit their Trio Finisher for the pinfall.

Dark Order defeated Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson and Johnny TV, Cole Karter & Griff Garrison by pinfall in a three-way tag.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A fine TV main event it was pretty formulaic. Dark Order getting a win means next to nothing as far as the trios division actually goes. This was just to fill TV time sadly. The overall show was OK. Since they have really moved to making these shows a tight one hour show, they haven’t been nearly as much of a slog. There’s a few storylines that get moved along here, but we still only saw two out of the seven championship acts on this show. I’m also not sure why they don’t make title and/or proving ground matches the main events rather than some cluster multi man matches they seem to go with most weeks. It’s just another way that Tony Khan doesn’t make the millions of titles in this company feel important. My weekly ROH audio reviews are available weekly for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

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