S20.E18: Blackout - Law & Order: SVU

12 hours ago, Xeliou66 said: It was awesome to see Dodds again, he adds an interesting element to the show and I really like him, he can question Benson and overrule her but he isnt an asshole the way they make everyone else who questions Benson out to be and he can be supportive as

12 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

It was awesome to see Dodds again, he adds an interesting element to the show and I really like him, he can question Benson and overrule her but he isn’t an asshole the way they make everyone else who questions Benson out to be and he can be supportive as well, he’s a multidimensional, compelling character and I want more of him. The memo was much ado about nothing, and I’m glad it was nothing major, I would’ve been royally pissed if Dodds was vilified, I really like him and want more of him, he always adds a spark to the show.

Cosigned.  Dodds is a multi-dimensional and compelling character, and Benson needs someone to rein her in, increasingly.  This show has always, always treated Benson like she is more special than anyone else, but, prior to Season 18, there were many things - Cragen, an ensemble cast, her partners, Abraham, CompStat, Tucker, IAB - to rein her in, to balance her, to make her sainthood more palatable, less in your face, that made her more multi-dimensional and compelling.  Since Season 18, it's all Benson's way or the highway.  She's always right, she's always the hero, it's all about her, and there are no stakes and no flavor for the character anymore.  Benson has become boring.

6 hours ago, dttruman said:

I am still a little iffy on this "memo" stuff. Is it a memo sent down from above suggesting to Dodd that Benson needs to be fired for a lot of her out of control actions, that have resulted in much wasted court time and many wasted man hours? Or was it a memo he came up with himself, saying that (for example), that all heads of departments are to stick with strict police standards and no outrageous actions will be tolerated?

I don't know, but, either way, I can't fathom why anyone would consider the memo blackmail material.  Bosses discuss their employees' performances on the job all the time.  It's kinda what they're meant to do, Show.

4 hours ago, preeya said:

Yes.  I took her "motherly" talk as condescending, of which St. Olivia is very adept.

Well, you know, as a survivor of sexual assault herself and with 20 years in at SVU, St. Olivia is the all-seeing, all-knowing font of wisdom all must bow down to in their quest for recovery.  She has the answer.  Too bad it's a one size fits all answer.

4 hours ago, wknt3 said:

Carisi in the squad room. Really OOC for him to be pulling the blue wall crap. It especially felt off because Rollins was Benson Jr. "believe victims always and don't ask questions even if it's our job" this week. It kind of felt like we were slipping back into the bad habits of "women good and understanding, men evil and disbelieving" and even though they didn't really go there they really need to avoid even hinting there if they are going to do this type of plot at all.

I know Carisi is their stand-in these days when they need a plot point, but the more I think about what they did to him in this ep, the more it makes my blood boil.  Carisi is not that man.  Carisi, the devout Catholic who holds his religion as dear to him as anything else in his life yet still went after the Church with everything he had and without reservation in Manhattan Transfer/Unholiest Alliance, is not going to do any less when it's the NYPD on the line instead.  Aside from that, he is a devout Catholic, one who walks the walk, and is just plain a compassionate man.  He would not shrug off anyone's rape, Show.  I hate you for putting that out there.  And it tells me all I need to know about the inferiority of the current writing on this show.

It did feel off with Rollins, too, as she's the Doubting Thomas on the squad.  I'm really starting to hate how it's always Benson/Rollins and Fin/Carisi this season.  I know part of that was due to the constraints of KG's pregnancy, but, come on.  Anyone tuning in now, for the first time, could easily come away thinking Rollins is Benson's best friend as well as her second in command on the squad, while Fin and Carisi are their inferior flunkies.  They're not even allowed to be "lovely."  Start mixing it up, Show!  And study up on who your characters are.

Edited March 22, 2019 by Fellaway

