Season Four General Discussion - Page 8 - Alaskan Bush People [V]

Well, extra heaping of bull tonight, so long recap. First we had the kid giving hair styling tips to big brother. Then idiot Bear smearing mud on and "heightening his senses" for hunting season.Later on they practice shooting in preparation for some bird hunting by trying to shoot gallon milk jugs thrown by theirtrebuchet -

Well, extra heaping of bull tonight, so long recap. First we had the kid giving hair styling tips to big brother. Then idiot Bear smearing mud on and "heightening his senses" for hunting season. Later on they practice shooting in preparation for some bird hunting by trying to shoot gallon milk jugs thrown by their trebuchet - I just knew they would eventually find a use that that thing. Great fun laughing at the idiots missing time after time - then Bam ask Bear for a "bullet" for the shotgun and they take turns dropping it as they toss it back and forth. I was beginning to wonder if maybe they hadn't smoked a little too much of Billy's weed or maybe Matt's booze. Finally, after blasting away for quite awhile, they finally hit a jug and call it quits. Hey, no need to pick up all the broken jugs, the tide wash them away and it's not like there's already tons of plastic crap floating in the Pacific. Now that Bear and Bam have their shooting eyes back, they head off on their grouse hunt. They've acquired an inflatable dingy from somewhere, and have the use of a 4 wheeler so they can act extra crazy on their hunt. Lots of stupid stuff on the hunt, nonexistent gun safety, unsafe driving on the four wheeler - you know, typical Brown Clan stupidity - oh and they didn't shoot a single grouse.

While those idiots are off hunting, Gabe is drafted by Noah to help with another stupid invention. This time it's  a bush washing machine. This time his "invention" makes even less sense than normal, as the finished "machine" still requires electricity. Any guess on how much work it would be to haul the water to fill that drum for the various cycle, or how big a mud hole will result when they start dumping it out. This thing is right up there with the hatchet/monkey wrench idea or electrified moss.

And, just in case there's not enough trash around the once pristine forest, they decide to use plastic wrap to make a pretend greenhouse. First off, why do they insist on gardening on the tidal flat. Guess since it's just a pretend garden and greenhouse there's no reason to move up to that meadow by the stream - and it's much easier down by the cove. Who thinks that tiny garden would even come close to providing for that big a family? Hilarious when Cupcake crawls through the wall of the "greenhouse" - remember one of reasons for the greenhouse is to keep out the deer and other critters. And despite Billy's talk of planting peppers and tomatos, we don't see anything planted.

And, let's not forget the ridiculous spin on the jail time. Yep they're still acting like they're going to jail, as if everyone doesn't know the whole family didn't stay in an extended stay motel in Juneau. Good grief, how many lies, half truths and exaggerations can they fit in one episode. They had multiple little segments spread through this episode. I no longer find that BS entertaining, so jump hit the fast forward button that jumps 30 seconds forward until they're not spreading the crap. Sooo, don't ask me about the latest stuff their were spinning about that farce. At one point they bring up a black screen with a message Billy supposedly gets from the lawyer - oh joy of joys, Billy gets the news they may not go to jail, but wear ankle monitors instead. Oh come on, when the plea deal was made back in January the judge said they might get house arrest and they're pretending this is news. Right up to the very end, as B&B are walking up the dock, they're acting like they don't know if they're going to the jail or motel. Yeah, as if their lawyer wouldn't have that worked out ahead of time and have the motel approved as their temporary residence long ago.

Once again, the clan leave Browntown, as for some unknown reason they all need to go to Juneau. This time, to add more bear protection, Matt has a flare gun trip wire and Gabe saws the stairs off the porch. Not sure what either of those things are supposed to do. Hopefully nothing trips Matt's booby trap and burns down Browntown.

As long as they're trying to clean up the various storylines, we hear Billy counseling Matt about his late nights in town. What - late nights on the town? Could the rumors about Matt staggering out of the Icy Strait Bar be true? Could this be the beginning of spinning the rumored rehab stint? Previews for next week hint that could be the next crisis that threatens to tear the wolf pack apart.

