Series 1: Network of Corruption - Spiral [V]

Speaking of the Netflix cues that finally wear one down... I finally watched s1 of Spiral and it was less gripping than I expected! Sounds like I'm in the minority with that opinion, but I'm glad there's a thread to break things down and read other musings. The destruction of the documents and tape by

Speaking of the Netflix cues that finally wear one down... I finally watched s1 of Spiral and it was less gripping than I expected! Sounds like I'm in the minority with that opinion, but I'm glad there's a thread to break things down and read other musings. The destruction of the documents and tape by karlsson threw me for a loop. It looked as if it were some part of her agreement to start up with Laborde, but I'm curious about the other theory here, and hope more info will be divulged as the series continues... I just love when you start a show very late and then have seasons at your disposal!


It's a really, really great show. Despite being a law drama with mysteries and murder plots and the whole shebang it's very much a character driven show as opposed to its American counterparts. It's fascinating how all these people - cops, judges, lawyers - work together. Can't say I have a crush on Gilou, though! Clément is a looker, but difficult to have a crush on. I like the general absence of sex appeal. We get enough of that anyway.

I'm already half-way through season 2 but I daren't go into the thread to post anything until I've finished the whole thing. I usually have a hard time binge watching non-English (or my own language - swedish) speaking shows but when an episode of Spiral ends I just gotta see the next.

It definitely rang some Law and Order bells with me, which I can't say I cared for, but I'm still hoping for some redemption. Speaking of Sweden, I've been completely immersed in a few Danish shows and, most recently, 3 seasons of Beck, and found the switch to a French series jolting! I loved s1 of Les Revenants, but Spiral feels very dated and some of the characters too 1-dimensional for me, but I'm also trying to figure out how much is (TV) culture shock? I found myself missing the heavy social drinking of Denmark and Sweden when coke-cop continued to snort his way through the season with few (if any) redeeming qualities. And the misogyny, sweet Jesus, in truly a categorical disaster in Spiral, more so than anything I've seen so far. Old Judge creeps me out intensely, and I was sorry to see him drive the young mother back into addiction and suicide -- though the hilarity of his taking the diary home to read in an entirely glass/unsecured home and then to leave it while he wandered upstairs was so bizarre that it caused me to laugh quite a bit. His gross questioning of the rape victim, and the cops playing hump-the-dummy as they hauled it in for the re-enactment, has just caused me to worry about the French justice system - and wonder why sexual harassment and general disgustingness is tolerated among all our characters.


What happened to the sisters was so terrible, and the ending was just heartbreaking for the father.  Damn.

That poor, poor family... I'm sure it was supposed to be some sort of message of peace that the mother was able to put that assassin out of business, but I seriously thought the father would just drop dead of a heart attack from sheer heartbreak over losing, now, every single person whom he loved. Just so gd brutal.

