Skyler Banks biography, age, net worth, wiki, family and latest updates

Skyler Banks biography, age, net worth, wiki, family and latest updates. Skyler Bank is a celebrity child in the United States. She rose to prominence as the fifth child of Lil Durk, an American rapper and songwriter. Skylers father was born Durk Derrick Banks, but he is better known as Lil Durk. He is the

Skyler Banks biography, age, net worth, wiki, family and latest updates.

Skyler Bank is a celebrity child in the United States. She rose to prominence as the fifth child of Lil Durk, an American rapper and songwriter. Skyler’s father was born Durk Derrick Banks, but he is better known as Lil Durk. He is the founder and primary member of the collective and record label Only The Family (OTF).

Skyler’s mother’s name is Tameka Kute, and she is of African-American descent. Nothing is known about her at the moment, but judging by her photos, she enjoys fashion and shopping.

Skyler Bank Biography and profile summary

Full NameSkyler Banks
First NameSkyler
Last NameBanks
ProfessionCelebrity Kid
Birth CountryUnited States
Father NameLil Durk
Father ProfessionAmerican rapper, singer, and songwriter
Mother NameIndia Royale
Gender IdentityFemale
SiblingsZayden Banks, Du’mier Banks, Willow Banks, Bella Banks and Angelo Banks
Date of Birth2014

Skyler Banks: Birthday and Age

Skyler Banks was conceived on August 29, 2014. Skyler Banks was born in the United States and held American citizenship. Her parents are Tameka Kute (mother) and Durk Derrick Bans (aka Lil Durk). Her father is a well-known singer and rapper.

Skyler Banks: Education

The seven-year-old is Lil Durk’s second child and was born in America. Although her exact origin and upbringing are unknown, she is likely pursuing early education at a local school. She is also not known where she lives now.

Skyler Banks: Family

Skyler has five half-siblings. Angelo Banks was Skyler’s older brother. He was born in 2011. Bella Banks was her older sister and was born in 2013. Her second brother Zayden was born in 2013. Her third brother Du’mier was born in 2004. Willow Banks, her younger sister, was born in November 2018. According to the article, her father is expecting his seventh baby with India Royale.

Skyler Banks: Net Worth

Skyler Banks is seven years old and has not yet found a job. She is the daughter of a well-known star and enjoys a lavish lifestyle. Matilda Martha Thykier is another famous child who benefits from her parent’s fortune.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, her father, Lil Durk has a net worth $3 million.

Over a decade of singing, rapping and composing, he has amassed his fortune. After releasing Signed To The Streets, his breakthrough performances were in 2013.

