Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking - Grey's Anatomy

Bringing over the side summaries I posted on twop here. Episode 10.18: Filming dates: 2/5 - 2/19 Gerjardt Strauss - Nurse's Station, day. A man in a suit is coming down the hall wearing a badge and Dr. Hansen uncharacteristically starstruck. He has a thick Austrian accent and an enormous amount of gravitas. He says

Bringing over the side summaries I posted on twop here. Episode 10.18:

Filming dates: 2/5 - 2/19

Gerjardt Strauss - Nurse's  Station, day. A man in a suit is coming down the hall wearing a badge and Dr. Hansen uncharacteristically starstruck. He has a thick Austrian accent and an enormous amount of gravitas. He says its a pleasure to meet Dr. Hansen, she (seems to be Cristina) says the honor is all hers. He's intrigued. The project was the talk of the EU Cardio-thoracic Conference, mostly people wondering if it was a serious effort or a PR stunt by the hospital. Dr. Hansen starts to tell him that after the presenetation he'll be confident. He says there's no doubt Dr. H will charm and dazzle but he hopes its not a big what's that phrase you use? Dr. Hansen says "hype?" No. "Flash over substance?" "No, a complete waste of my time".

Janis - Outside PICU Dr. Lebackes updates Janis. He is real, genuine and kind. Tells her the surgery went very well. They're looking at a full recovery, no concern for tumors or infertility. Tells Janis she has a big, strongboy and he's going to be just fine. Janis is overcome and near tears as she thanks Dr. Lebackes.

Mom - Outside CCU: Dr. Matthews stands before a line of two parents. He's the CCU bouncer. A mom steps up and asks if this is really necessary. He runs the termometer over her forehead. 100.7, she can't go in. She says its barely a fever. He tells her that her daughter is trying to heal and they don't want anything to interfere. Frustrated, the mom leaves.

Mr. Gorder - Dr. Hall and Dr. Preston round on Mr. Gorder. His labs and tests are clear and they will take him to the OR shortly. Dr. Hall asks if he is nervous, he says a little bit. Dr. Hall asks how about Dr. Preston takes you through the procedure one more time. No response. Mr. Gorder says he might be asleep. Dr. Hall turns and Dr. Preston is standing with his eyes closed and mouth open. Dr. Hall moves towards him to step firmly on his foot. Dr. Hall says he's not asleep. Dr. Preston says No!. Mr. Gorder says "and I'll still be able to poop just fine?". Dr. Preston replies, yes sir, that's the plan.

Tech - Dr. Hansen prepares for his lecture and the AV tech sits at the board with a fast food bag. Dr. Hansen asks what are you eating?  Tech answers onion rings, want some? Dr. Hansen says to take them outside. Of the building. The tech gathers his stuff and scurries out.

Abraham/Logan - Logan and Abraham are brothers. They are in the ER because Logan has a dislocated jaw. He can't move his mouth and speaks through clenched teeth.  Logan drinks coconut water, doesn't want medication, etc. Because of his jaw its hard to understand him, Abraham helps with what he is saying. Dr. Carter is examining and Logan is sweating and his breathing is labored. Dr. Carter tells him its his choice not to accept medical attention but he if leaves and his airway gets blocked he won't be able to breathe. Logan calls her a fear monger. Abraham explains that Logan thinks Big Pharma lays on the scary to get people to buy their poison. Logan begins to choke and gasp for air. Dr. Carter realizes this isn't Logan being a jerk, he's seizing. 

Post-op - Logan is trached and unconscious. Dr. Carter is updating Abraham and he's laughing - Logan's organically pure and grass fed body is now full of titanium from the plates and screws they used. He looks at his brother and his laughter dies.  He asks for a list of everything they used, anesthesia, etc. For Logan. Dr. Carter says it would take awhile. Abraham says their dad died when they were young, done in by cigarettes and corned beef hash. After that Logan was obsessed with what he put in his body. Abraham wishes he wouldn't take it so far but its how he deals. Then he asks if there's any chance the titanium is locally mined and starts laughing again.

David/Braden/Teresa - 10 year old Braden Morris is in the ER with his parents, David and Teresa. David is wiping down the stretcher with antibiotic wipes and Teresa is holding a tissue to Braden's nose. Braden has a small lump on his forehead that he keeps touching. David asks Dr. Sims (its April, they left her name in 1 part) if she has spoken to their doctor. Dr. Sims says yes, he says Braden has SBLA syndrome. Braden yells out "Cancer boy disease!".  Braden's doctor sent them to the ER because he's out of the country. Dr. Sims says it looks like a sinus infection. Teresa says they have to treat everything like it could be cancer. David explains that they just removed a melanoma and the radiation has been working pretty well, they're just worried. He tells Braden to stop picking at his face. Braden says he's just touching it. April draws a small circle around the blemish. Dr. Sims pushes a scared Braden on a gurney. They pass David and Teresa. Teresa tells him she loves him, Braden tells her he doesn't want to go. David tells him it will be ok. Braden says he promises he won't touch his face, he doesn't want to go. The parents are heartbroken for their son. Outside isolation room - Dr. Sims tells David and Teresa they have to put on a fresh gown, mask and gloves every time they go in, Braden is highly susceptible to infection. David asks if there's something they can do to keep this from happening. April says they may want to consider a bone marrow transplant. David says that ethnic donors are hard to find, isn't there any medication or treatment? Teresa gives David a hug. This is a whole new ballgame. They go in the room, David says "hey, Champ".

Ivy/Sabine/Eric/Link/Francesca ("Frankie") Dr. Johnson stands by as Dr. Brown presents. Ivy is on oxygen and monitors. Her mother, Sabine, sits by her side. Ivy Rice, 15, end-stage heart failure, has been on the transplant list for 4 months. Ivy pulls down her mask and says "until today, right?!" Dr. Johnson says looks like it, the donor heart is being evaluated now. Dr. Johnson asks where the rest of them are, Sabine says Ivy's little sister has the fly so Eric is home with her and Link.  Dr. Johnson saw the report on the heart, has a good feeling. The Rices are relieved and excited.  Day - Dr. Johnson is followed by a few nurses hurries to Ivy and Sabine. Good news, the heart is on the way, time to go to the OR. The nurses prep Ivy for transport. She kisses Ivy and they take her up. She pulls out her phone and says they just took her up, how's Frankie? She says she is doing ok and starts to cry, wishes he were there too.

ER Nurse's Station - Sabine weaves her way through the chaos of sick and coughing patients until she finds her husband Eric. She tells him it will be at least another hour, she told him he didn't need to come. He tells her Frankie has gotten worse. Eric looks terrified and gestures towards a trauma room. We see Francesca Rice, 12, hooked up to monitors and an IV. Her brother Link, 9, is next to the bed. Sabine tells Eric its the flu, look around, everyone has it. Dr. Johnson arrives and says Eric made the right call. Its more than the flu, Francesca had a heart attack. Sabine says that's what happened to Ivy. Confusion and terror. Before Dr. Johnson can continue the ER nurse tells him that she went into complete heart block. The parents watch as he starts compressions on little Frankie. He nods to the nurse to close the curtains.

Day - Outside CCU patient room. Dr. Johnson is updating Eric and Sabine. Through the glass we see Ivy post-op, asleep in bed. Her surgery went well, she's doing great. They walk to the next room where Francesca is asleep and Link is curled up in a chair playing on a tablet. Francesca's heart is stabilized for now but they need to keep an eye on it. Her tests show she had a heart attack. Eric asks how could they both get this? Dr. Johnson says that it could be a number of things - viral, environmental, genetic. Eric asks if there's something in the house making them sick. Sabine says they can't go home. Dr. Johnson suggests they start by gathering a family medical history to see if there are any patterns of heart disease, especially in younger relatives. Eric asks how soon they can start. Suddenly, we hear coughing. We see little Link sitting in the chair gripping his chest in pain. They all turn and stare in horror.

Ivy's Peds room - Frankie is there with Ivy, sitting on the bed. Dr. Brown asks Ivy how she is, she says besides the soccer tryouts she is missing she's alright. Ivy asks if she'll get to go home soon. She doesn't want to miss driver's ed. Frankie says she'll recover soon. Ivy says she feels much better today, maybe they can let her go early for good behavior. Frankie giggles at her sister. Dr. Brown tells her to take a deep breath, asks if she has been having trouble breathing. She says not at all, Dr. Brown says good, not so sure he believes her.

Link's room, night. Dr. Johnson walks into Link's room where he's staring at the ceiling. Dr. J asks what happened earlier, Link just wanted to see his sister. Dr. Johnson says he can't go running around the hospital. He has to stay there so they can get him all better. Link says he's never going to get better. Boom, this almost takes the wind out of Dr. Johnson. Dr. J says that's not true, he can't give up hope. Link is begging now, "why aren't you trying anything?" Dr. Johnson tells him they're going to get him better, Link is holding onto a little bit of hope.

(this next one sounds a lot like the scene with Owen and the boy he was attached to, could be the same side being reused)

Peds Waiting Area, Day - Dr. Sims sits with Link. The social worker sits a few seats away. Dr. Sims says there's a big rain storm back east and Carol is going to take him somewhere he can get some sleep. Link asks why he can't stay here like last night. Dr. Sims says that's not going to work out. Link doesn't want to go, his mom and dad are here. Dr. Sims tells him that his mom needs rest. Link promises to be quiet, Dr. Sims is starting to give in.

Edited March 31, 2014 by windsprints

