Sweet Tooth season 2 recap guide: All 8 episodes explained

The third episode opens with a flashback of a woman named Gillian Washington, a higher-up at Fort Smith. She gives a presentation to a bunch of big shots about a major discovery that she and her team at Project Midnight Sun had stumbled upon. Shes hoping to receive funding from these people.

The third episode opens with a flashback of a woman named Gillian Washington, a higher-up at Fort Smith. She gives a presentation to a bunch of big shots about a major discovery that she and her team at Project Midnight Sun had stumbled upon. She’s hoping to receive funding from these people.

Then, it cuts to the present time in the pump house where Gus talks about Bear to the other hybrids. A guard then enters the room and takes Gus away. But before Gus leaves, he promises Wendy that he’ll find a tool to use to pry the bars open to the door in the pump room. We later find out that Gus is being taken to Fort Smith with Adi.

In Adi and Rani’s room at the Preserve, an overworked Adi tells Rani he’s going to head to Fort Smith to hopefully find something that’ll help him figure out how to produce a cure. Rani has begun to sympathize with the hybrids. She tells Adi she feels bad that they’re being killed to save human lives such as hers. Although Adi feels bad, he knows he must remain focused on finding a cure.

Elsewhere, Jepperd and Aimee head to Factory Town to find Jepperd’s old friends, the Hickeys and the Garcias. But once they arrive in Factory Town, they discover that they recently died from the new variant of the Sick, Doomsday. Then, Jepperd and Aimee make their way to a local bar where they get to know more about each other. While Jepperd continues to remain closed off, Aimee reveals a little bit about herself.

She tells Jepperd that the reason she kept her distance from humans and barely left the Essex County Zoo is because she once lost two hybrid kids when she allowed them to venture outside. She never got over it, and now she’s mad at herself for making the same mistake. Aimee looks around the bar and notices a phone hanging on a pole. She tells Jepperd that she knows some people who can help them on their rescue mission, but they need to get in contact with them first. She makes a call, but no one picks up.

As Bear travels with the family of travelers, she gets to know the teen son. He tells Bear that his father was a Last Man and that he was killed by the Animal Army. Since Bear is the former leader of the Animal Army, she knows she most likely had something to do with the teen’s father’s death. But of course, she doesn’t let him know that. The teen also tells Bear that he’s looking to join the Last Men so he can provide for his grandparents. Although Bear doesn’t think he should, she doesn’t say much about it.

Adi, Gus, and Hulk (a Last Man) finally arrive at Fort Smith. As they search around the lab, Gus is basically no help to Adi, so Adi decides to take a look around the lab by himself. Meanwhile, Gus finds a case with Pubba’s name on it and opens it. He finds pliers and keys in the case and keeps them. He then makes his way to where Adi is. Hulk enters the room quickly after. As they talk, a crocodile suddenly attacks them. Gus yells for the crocodile to stop and it does. As Gus stares at the crocodile more, he realizes that it’s a hybrid kid. The half-human, half-crocodile hybrid walks up to Gus and tells him that his name is Peter.

Then, Hulk storms into the room and shoots at Peter. Peter runs into another room at Fort Smith and Adi and Gus follow him. Stuck with nowhere to go, Peter stands in the middle of the room. A guard then runs into the room and shoots him with a tranquilizer gun. Once Peters falls to the ground, Hulk and the other guards take him to the Preserve on Adi’s orders. Now, it’s only Gus and Adi in the room. Adi looks around and realizes they’re in the room where the scientists created hybrids.

While searching the room, Adi finds a tape and plays it on a TV. The tape is a recording of Gillian Washington’s presentation she gave to funders. This is what was shown at the beginning of the episode. Now, we get to see a continuation of it.

During the presentation, Gillian tells the story of a scientist named James Thacker. He had suffered from a muscular degenerative disorder and decided to journey to the Arctic in 1911 to explore a village where people were rumored to be free of disease and lived past 100. Gillian explains that she came to Fort Smith to build a team that could investigate why these villages lived a long life.

Then, she introduces her lead scientist, Gertrude Miller (Birdie). Birdie explains that their team traveled to the Arctic, excavated ice cores, and found microbes that could supercharge the immune system if modified correctly. Since their experiments on chickens using modified microbes came out successful, they concluded that the same experiments could be used to cure human diseases. However, the experiments led to the creation of hybrids. Birdie takes out the very first hybrid, Gus, out of an incubator and shows him to the crowd. Then, we cut to Adi telling Gus that they need to bring back the tape and the chickens to the Preserve.

Back at the Preserve, Johnny takes Rani to see the hybrid kids in the pump house. Rani looks around the room and notices a girl that looks like the drawing she found. The girl is Wendy. Rani calls Wendy’s name and tells her to come here. Once Wendy walks up to Rani, Rani slyly puts carrots in her hands before she’s called by guards. Wendy shares the carrots with the rest of the hybrids once Rani leaves.

Back at the local bar, Last Men arrive. They force all of the townspeople to come outside to listen to General Abbot’s speech, so Jeppered and Aimee exit the bar. Abbot tells the Last Men to bring out a man who has the Sick and then he gives him a dose of “medicine” that was made using a hybrid. Immediately, the man’s finger stops shaking.

As Abbot announces that he has the cure for the Sick, the townspeople look shocked by what just happened. Abbot continues on by telling all of the townspeople to spread the word that he has a cure. But obviously, we know that Abbot doesn’t have a cure yet. The dose he gave the man will eventually wear off and he’ll be back sick. As Abbott makes his way back to the Preserve, he has his army kill the man.

It’s later revealed why Abbot lied and told the townspeople he had a cure. Remember, Abbot wanted the three to listen to his proposal, but they wanted nothing to do with him. As news about Abbot having a cure for the virus spreads, it will eventually make its way to the three. Abbot believes that once the three find out he has a cure, they’ll finally listen to him.

At the pump house, the hybrids try to escape but are stopped when a guard arrives. The guard tells them to behave or they’ll end up dead like Roy. Remember, Gus told them Roy had escaped. They all look at Wendy and realize she and Gus lied. Gus finally arrives back at the pump house, and the other hybrids confront him about lying about Roy’s whereabouts.

Meanwhile, Bear finds out from the teen boy that hybrids are being held captive by Last Men at Essex Zoo. So, she heads to the zoo because she believes that’s where Gus is. But first, she joins the Last Men so that she’ll be able to gain entry. The episode ends with the phone ringing at the bar and the person on the phone asking for Aimee.

