The Funniest Glitches in Cyberpunk 2077

Glitches are an inseparable part of any game - no matter how much testing the developers do, there always is some nasty bug that manages to slip under the radar. Cyberpunk 2077 has earned quite a reputation due to the number of bugs present in the game. In the most severe cases, like the versions

Glitches are an inseparable part of any game - no matter how much testing the developers do, there always is some nasty bug that manages to slip under the radar. Cyberpunk 2077 has earned quite a reputation due to the number of bugs present in the game. In the most severe cases, like the versions for old-gen consoles, the bugs and performance issues have hindered the players from enjoying the game whatsoever. Such situations also happened on different platforms, and for instance, a bug could make it impossible to progress through the story. While cases like these certainly would not put a smile on anyone’s face, there is the kind of goofy and hilarious glitches that do not disrupt the gameplay and that everyone loves. They may ruin the immersion but encountering them makes you think ‘what the hell?’. Below, we present our subjective choice of some of the funniest glitches from Cyberpunk 2077.

Vehicles Breaking the Rules of Physics

Traffic in Night City may be unpredictable at times. Cars bouncing off of a bridge like in the video below reach an entirely new level though. It is not just us - many other players have also encountered a weirdly behaving vehicle here and there—typical Tuesday. 

Cyberpunk 2077 - Cars Loading Glitch

  Credit: Chris

While NPC drivers decide to meet their demise by collectively driving off a bridge, some vehicles in the game gain minds of their own. They then decide to free themselves from the roles society has imposed on them. Who said a motorcycle has to move with its wheels on the road? The one in the video below has a better idea.

Cybercycle 2077 - Boomerang Edition

 Credit: Chris

Good Old T-Poses

If you have not heard this term before, a T-Pose is a default pose for a character’s 3D model before it is animated. They are also used for placeholders for animations that are yet to be completed. A glitch in a game may cause a character to snap into a T-pose instead of going about their usual NPC business. This kind of bug has been a meme for a few years now, but T-posing NPC’s never get boring, given some right timing and funny contexts. 

For instance, this character is either performing some avant-garde dance move or is just immune to the power of music that would make anyone at least tap their feet (sound on!).

Cyberpunk 2077 - Corpo Asserting Dominance

 Credit: Chris

Apparently, T-posing also gives some NPC’s superhuman abilities, like phasing through objects of their choice.

cyberpunk t pose sofa

Dead Bodies… or Are They dead?

Dead bodies deciding not to abide by the rules of physics are part of almost every game that involves eliminating the enemies. Some of the fallen opponents in Cyberpunk 2077 go a few steps further and forget they have been killed. As soon as they remember about having met their end though, they drop on the ground again. 

Cyberpunk 2077 - When the Dead Just Won't Stay Dead

 Credit: Chris

This and many other glitches involving dead bodies may make the gameplay a little frustrating, especially if you try to play stealthy and hide killed enemies.

Of course, one article is not enough to give justice to all the hilarious bugs the players have encountered in Cyberpunk 2077. What kind of glitches have you experienced while playing the game? Have they made you smile or have they mostly been frustrating to deal with? Be sure to share any funny glitch or story from your playthrough in the comments!

