The Mick - General Discussion - Page 7 - The Mick

One of the reasons acid is not more popular than it is is that its shelf life sitting around in old denim pockets has been extensively tested. It is measured in days, not years. Not months, not weeks, not even many days. After acid is made, it has to be sold soon. After purchase, it

One of the reasons acid is not more popular than it is is that its shelf life sitting around in old denim pockets has been extensively tested. It is measured in days, not years. Not months, not weeks, not even many days. After acid is made, it has to be sold soon. After purchase, it has to be taken soon. Not because it ferments into super-acid, but simply because it quickly weakens until inert. So the whole premise is flawed, but that would be okay if it were still funny. However, aggravating that issue is the simple fact that drug humor has been done itno the ground for so long that it is very rarely as entertaining as it thinks it is. And this was drug humor written by people who don't even know much about the drug they are writing a script about, so all they can do is recycle tropes that they've seen other writers use a million times. Plus... are we really supposed to believe that Sabrina went 18 years without trying acid, only to eat some out of Micky's old dirty pocket on the day of her Yale interview? Almost everything about that storyline was a failure. The German class was kind of amusing, and the joke about the kid constantly shedding clohes to escape was actually funny, but neither was enough to support half the episode.

And the other part, with Alba and Chip and Alba's cousin, just wasn't funny. In concept it was fine, but in execution it just didn't work that well. I'm not sure Chip and Alba have any comedic chemistry with each other, but with the right thrd person there'd be the right balance. The guy playing the cousin was just kind of there, though. The story might have worked with a zanier, more comedic actor doing that role, but as it was the whole thing just fell flat.

Maybe trimming down the A and B stories by a few minutes and adding a C story of somebody, probably Ben, running around doing something gratuitously silly would have helped. That ability to pad out a story with extra laughs shoved into it almost randomly was part of what made Jimmy great. Although I can also see Jimmy having a large and funny role in either of the storylines they actually did this week.

But... it's only about a twenty minute show, and unlike most of the board I do still really laugh at it most of the time. So I'm okay shrugging this off as just one episode that I found mediocre, and I do still look forward to the next one. 

Edited January 10, 2018 by CletusMusashi

