The Order of the Tadpole, Fallout 76 Quest

Badges can be obtained by doing World "Tadpole" Challenges. The tests (five random questions, selection test) needed to pass the challenges can be carried out using the Pioneer Badge Exam Terminals located in the camp.

Badges can be obtained by doing World "Tadpole" Challenges.

The tests (five random questions, selection test) needed to pass the challenges can be carried out using the Pioneer Badge Exam Terminals located in the camp.

Verified / "working" answers are shown in bold.

4.4.1. Archer Exam

Question 1: You're excited for your first big trip to the archery range at Camp Adams - hurray! One problem - you have a handful of sharp arrows. What type of bag should you carry the arrows in?

  • Satchel
  • Clutch
  • Quiver
  • Pockets

Question 2: Robbie is planning a bow-hunting trip to Seneca Rocks with his dad where they'll be hunting white-tailed deer. What type of arrowheads should they bring with them?

  • Bodkin Point
  • Broadhead Point
  • Blunt Point
  • Explosive Point

Question 3: You're competing in an archery tournament at Camp Lewis. On the final shot, you land an arrow on the inner red ring - so close! How many points was this shot worth?

Question 4: Bows and arrows have been used for a long time! Around when do researchers say the first bows and arrows were created?

  • 2.5 million years ago
  • 64,000 years ago
  • 2,000 years ago
  • 100 years ago

Question 5: Only one person is truly responsible for your safety and the safety of others while on the range. Who is it?

  • The nearest Mr. Handy
  • The nearest camp counselor
  • You
  • Everyone else

Question 6: You overhear a camp counselor bragging that they shot an arrow 320 per second. What type of unit were they most likely using to determine arrow speed?

  • YPS (Yards Per Second)
  • FPS (Feet Per Second)
  • CPS (Clicks Per Second)
  • APS (Arrows Per Second)

Question 7: An arrow is made of four parts - which is NOT one of them?

  • Nock
  • Fletching
  • Shaft
  • Shell

Question 8: Richie is on the range and has finished shooting all of his arrows. What should he do now?

  • Immediately walk to the target to retrieve his arrows
  • Wait until the people on his left and right are finished shooting before retrieving his arrows
  • Wait for the all-clear signal from the supervising Mr. Handy
  • Declare loudly that he is about to retrieve his arrows

Question 9: Alice is taking aim at her target when she notices her rival Annie retrieving arrows from the target in the next lane. What should Alice do?

  • Shoot at Annie's knee to teach her a valuable lesson in range etiquette
  • Aim the bow downward and slowly release tension on the bowstring
  • Shoot the arrow near Annie as a friendly reminder that she shouldn't be there
  • Shout a clear and concise warning at Annie at least 5 seconds before shooting at her target

Question 10: You're crafting a crossbow at a nearby weapons workbench - which component will you NOT need for this project?

  • Compressor
  • Sight Bridge
  • Barrel
  • Stock

Question 11: You're hiking through the woods when you spot your weird neighbor Jimmy blindly firing arrows into the sky. What should you do?

  • Nothing - Jimmy is alone so he won't be able to hurt anyone
  • Attempt to shoot Jimmy's arrows out of the sky
  • Find the nearest overhead cover and demand Jimmy lay down his bow
  • Charge at Jimmy and attempt to tackle him to the ground

Question 12: Lisa studies and practices archery regularly. She talks about archery all the time and is honestly kind of annoying about it. Lisa is a(n)...

  • Bowaphile
  • Archist
  • Pugilist
  • Toxophilite

Question 13: The ballista was invented thousands of years ago in a Greek town called Syracuse. It is essentially a large version of what type of bow?

  • Crossbow
  • Recurve Bow
  • Compound Bow
  • Longbow

Question 14: Commies have invaded! Alex is a champion archer and wants to defend his country. What type of arrows should Alex use to penetrate the thick armor of the communist swine?

  • Field Point
  • Blunt Point
  • Bodkin Point
  • Target Point

Question 15: Gene practices shooting his crossbow every day after work to prepare himself for the looming red menace. Gene is a(n)...?

  • Arborist
  • Arbalist
  • Crossman
  • Arcanist

Question 16: Your best friend Johnny's dad spends his weekends crafting and selling bows. You've been saving your allowance for months to purchase a bow from such a gifted...

  • Arrower
  • Bowsmith
  • Stringer
  • Bowyer

Question 17: You're at an archery tournament when you see your favorite archer telescoping an arrow - wow! How do you describe this feat to your best friend?

  • He shot an arrow which hit another arrow, splitting it down the middle!
  • He shot three arrows at once, all hitting the bullseye range on the target!
  • He shot an arrow blindfolded and hit a bullseye!
  • He identified a communist spy in the crowd and shot him right through the eyes!

Question 18: It's the last shot in a tournament. You pull the bowstring back, breathe steadily, focus, and release. You hear the crowd roar as they see the bullseye you just hit! How many points did you score?

  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 100

Question 19: You spot Billy at the end of the range with an apple on his head while Danny takes aim. What advice do you give?

  • Tell Danny to aim higher, knowing that he's more likely to miss Billy's head
  • Tell Danny to aim lower, knowing that he won't hit any vital organs
  • Tell Billy to hold completely still to keep the apple steady
  • None of the above

Question 20: While on the shooting line you hear the Mr. Handy instructor sound a whistle blow three times. How should you react?

  • Nock three arrows onto your bowstring
  • Locate the nearest overhead cover, duck underneath it and cover your head
  • Walk forward and retrieve your arrows
  • Take aim at the Mr. Handy, as this is a declaration of war

4.4.2. Athlete Exam

Question 1: Before a friendly kickball match, Samuel offers you a suspicious looking pill that you think may be Buffout. How do you respond?

  • Refuse and report him to the Scout Leader
  • Refuse but let him take one himself
  • Accept and thank him politely
  • Ask for two!

Question 2: You're competing in a track and field race and have lined up at the starting line. An official will signal to begin. How does he do this?

  • Yelling over a loudspeaker
  • Firing a starting gun
  • Waving his arms wildly
  • Blowing a sharp whistle with his fingers

Question 3: You're entering a marathon for charity and are set to run on the streets of Charleston. How far will you be running?

  • 0.5 miles
  • 15.19 miles
  • 26.219 miles
  • 500 miles

Question 4: You're going rock climbing with Mary, when she slips and begins to fall! Luckily, she's brought to a stop by a device attached to her rope. What is this device called?

  • A belt
  • A belay device
  • A campus board
  • A daisy cutter

Question 5: James wants to join the Army and fight the Reds, but he's out of shape. Eventually, he'll have to pass the Army's physical fitness test, which could be hard for him. Which of the following does he NOT he have to worry about being in the test?

  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • A two-mile run

Question 6: Susie is taking part in a long jump competition. She takes a running start, but stumbles at the last minute and only makes it three feet! How embarrassing, when the longest long jumpers can jump how far?

  • 16 feet
  • 29 feet
  • 73 feet
  • 105 feet

Question 7: Brendan is a fast runner. Really fast! He might even run in the Olympics someday. Which sprinting event should he NOT train for if he wants to run an Olympic event?

  • 100 meter dash
  • 200 meter dash
  • 400 meter dash
  • 10000 meter dash

Question 8: Most athletes bulk up by lifting weights, but weightlifting itself is a competition as well! Only a few lifts are used in Olympic weightlifting, however. Which of these lifts is no longer used?

  • The clean and press
  • The clean and jerk
  • The bend and snap
  • None of the above

Question 9: You're playing ice hockey, and after checking a star player into the boards you're approached by a menacing figure who picks a fight with you. What is the name of this person's unofficial role on a hockey team?

  • Bash brother
  • Mutant
  • Ruffian
  • Enforcer

Question 10: You've been running laps around the Charleston capital building for exercise and have noticed that after running long enough you start to feel really good. What is this sensation called?

  • Patriotism
  • Self esteem
  • Endorphinopsychosis
  • Runner's high

Question 11: You're training for a marathon, and decide to push yourself to see how long you can run. Despite your best efforts, you can only go so far. What substance builds up in your muscles and causes this?

  • Sulfuric acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Amino acid
  • Hydrochloric acid

Question 12: Like to throw things? Who doesn't! In fact, there's probably a sport for throwing your favorite object. Which of these is thrown for sport?

  • Throwing Knives
  • Javelins
  • Shields
  • Shoes

Question 13: Ricky loves riding his bicycle. He rides so much, he could probably compete in a Grand Tour! But there are a lot of stages to each Grand Tour event. How many?

  • 7
  • 14
  • 21
  • 28

Question 14: The "shot put" event uses a heavy sphere called a "shot". What do you do to the "shot" in this event?

  • Throw it
  • Put it
  • Kick it
  • Shoot it

Question 15: Barry is a strong baseball player who hits lots of home runs. What's the highest number of runs Barry can score on a single home run?

Question 16: You're on first base in a baseball game and decide to steal second base. How far do you have to run to get there?

  • 60 feet
  • 90 feet
  • 100 feet
  • 2 miles

Question 17: Hannah is training for a pentathlon, an event used to prepare athletes for the rigors of warfare. How many sports will she need to train for in order to compete?

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • All of them

Question 18: Mark's favorite athletic event is wrestling. He idolizes famous wrestlers and wants to wrestle just like them. Which of these US Presidents has a reputation as a wrestler?

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Andrew Jackson
  • James K. Polk
  • Thomas Jefferson

Question 19: As a cross country runner, you might be called a "harrier". What is a harrier?

  • A king
  • A slinger
  • A duck
  • A dog

Question 20: Alfonso is interested in football. He's a tall natural leader with a strong arm, and he knows every play in the book. What position would be best for Alfonso?

  • Center forward
  • Linebacker
  • Tight end
  • Quarterback

4.4.3. Codebreaker Exam

Question 1: You're lost in the woods and need to use Morse code to signal other scouts for help. Which signal do you send?

  • . - - -
  • ... - - - . . .
  • - . . . - . - - - - - - . . .
  • . - - - . . - .

Question 2: You're operating your shortwave radio and come across a strange broadcast. After listening for a while, you realize it's commie propaganda! What do you do?

  • Keep listening for more details
  • Take notes
  • Report it to the authorities immediately!
  • Sing the Soviet national anthem!

Question 3: How might "APPALACHIA" be read when encoded with a Caesar cipher?


Question 4: You suspect Samuel is a commie. His favorite subject is history, and he uses four numbers for his terminal password. What historical year might his password be?

  • 1776
  • 1917
  • 1812
  • 1969

Question 5: "for(int i = 1; i > 10; i++)" The condition in your code is flawed and the loop will not count from 1 to 10. How do you fix it?

  • i = 10
  • i >= 10
  • i <= 10
  • None of the above

Question 6: Alfonso is having trouble figuring out a commie passcode and has decided to try brute-forcing a solution. How does he go about this?

  • Smashing his terminal with a sledgehammer
  • Computing all possible solutions sequentially
  • Social engineering
  • Guessing a solution based on evidence

Question 7: Hannah is sending you juicy gossip using symmetric-key cryptography. To decrypt her secret message, what do you BOTH need?

  • Different keys
  • The same key
  • Good morals
  • Codebase knowledge

Question 8: Susie wants to sign her name for a deaf friend using American Sign Language. What sign should she make first?

  • A closed fist with thumb over middle finger
  • A closed fist with thumb beneath fingers
  • Pinky and thumb extending sideways
  • Biting her thumb

Question 9: Which of these big words means "solving coded communications"?

  • Cartography
  • Heliography
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Psychoanalysis

Question 10: Which of these patriotic languages did our fine fighting men use as an unbreakable code during World War II?

  • Navajo
  • Anglo-Saxon
  • Japanese
  • Esperanto

Question 11: Your data is only as secure as its weakest link! And what would that be?

  • The operating system
  • Backend security
  • You
  • RobCo Termlink

Question 12: How did the dirty Nazis encode their messages during World War II?

  • A Caesar cipher
  • Sign language
  • Schwyzerduetsch dialect
  • Enigma machines

Question 13: Your Mr. Handy is a master codebreaker, much better than the first codebreaking computers. What were those old junk heaps called?

  • Behemoths
  • Colossi
  • Mammoths
  • Sloths

Question 14: Brendan sent an encrypted message to a foreign national, but you were able to decrypt it because it had "known plaintext". What is "plaintext"?

  • Unencrypted information
  • Poorly encrypted information
  • Boring information
  • Chinese characters

Question 15: Which mythical device gave its name to this infamous kind of computer virus?

  • The Wings of Icarus
  • The Golden Fleece
  • The Trojan Horse
  • The Sandals of Hermes

Question 16: Samuel is upset at Mary. Samuel orders his Mr. Handy to hit Mary! His Mr. Handy won't obey. Why?

  • It's wrong to hit a girl
  • Mary doesn't deserve to be hit
  • Samuel is a jerk
  • It violates the Mr. Handy's programming

Question 17: You need to send a coded warning to Washington D.C. using a "Templar cipher". What shape will you use in your cipher?

  • A circle
  • A cross
  • A sickle
  • A star

Question 18: Which cipher, named for a French diplomat, was used by the Confederacy during the Civil War?

  • The Dorabella cipher
  • The Alberti cipher disk
  • The Trithemius cipher
  • The Vigenere cipher

Question 19: Which Founding Father invented a disk cipher later used by the US Army?

  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • George Washington
  • John Adams

Question 20: All computers operate using something called binary code. How many digits are used in binary?

4.4.4. Cook Exam

Question 1: Sheila is cooking with grease when suddenly, the pan catches fire! What should she do?

  • Dump water on the pan
  • Pour a bag of flour on the pan
  • Place the lid back on the pan and wait for the fire to run out of oxygen
  • Flee from the house; all is already lost

Question 2: You see your pal Mike start to eat a piece of raw burger. You stop him by reminding him that eating raw meat can cause...

  • Vomiting
  • Dysentery
  • Parasites
  • All of the above

Question 3: What type of objects should NOT be placed into fondue?

  • Bread
  • Apples
  • Hands
  • Broccoli

Question 4: It's time to dice vegetables! What's the safest practice?

  • Hold with your fingers clenched inward
  • Throw into the air and slash with ninja-like precision
  • Chew the food and spit it back out like a mama bird
  • Lay your hand flat, press down firmly

Question 5: Alfred wants to bring his famous Cranberry Jam to Thanksgiving dinner. What ingredients will he need?

  • Blackberries, Mushrooms, Wine
  • Tomatoes, Whisky, Salt
  • Cranberries, Carrot Flower, Sugar, Water
  • Cranberries, Pepper, Beer

Question 6: Your teacher called you a mycophile! You were mildly offended until you realized it meant your hobby was...

  • Growing herbs and spices
  • Foraging for wild edible mushrooms
  • Carving funny faces on gourds
  • Raising livestock

Question 7: You find a recipe for baking bread; water, salt, flour, and something unreadable. What's the fourth ingredient?

  • Yeast
  • Oregano
  • Pepper
  • Cheese

Question 8: Mary asked you to bring sweetbread to the big party. Wait... what is sweetbread?

  • Powdered sugar on toast
  • Fruit-filled pastry
  • Cream-filled bread
  • The thymus gland of an animal

Question 9: Coating moist food with a dry ingredient like flour or breadcrumbs before cooking it is known as what?

  • Depolarizing
  • Dredging
  • Delousing
  • Deepening

Question 10: You're headed to the Super-Duper Mart to get ingredients for your dad's favorite meal, head cheese. What's the main ingredient?

  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • An actual animal head

Question 11: Sauerkraut, pickles, beer, and yogurt are all products of what process?

  • Differentiation
  • Dichotomization
  • Detoxification
  • Fermentation

Question 12: Now for a special sponsored question from CRAM: "When in doubt, just go with..."

  • CRAM!
  • Fungus
  • Toenails
  • Phlegm

Question 13: Ruby won't stop talking about her double boiler. What is she able to use it for?

  • Melting Chocolate
  • Hollandaise Sauce
  • Custards
  • All of the above

Question 14: Vince wants to impress his new lady friend by cooking her a chicken dinner. What should the internal temperature of the chicken be to ensure he doesn't kill her?

  • 25 degrees
  • 165 degrees
  • 650 degrees
  • 1,245 degrees

Question 15: Carlos adds a pinch of salt to his water before boiling it. What effect does this have on the water?

  • Increases the boiling point of the water
  • Makes the water tastier
  • Brings 7 years of good luck
  • Causes the pot to explode

Question 16: Jackie wants to cook the perfect spaghetti, but wants to know when to test if the noodles are done. What should you suggest?

  • Boil until all of the water evaporates
  • Use a spoon to fish out one noodle for taste test
  • Stick your hand in to get a feel
  • Place ear close to the water and wait for the noodles to stop screaming

Question 17: Molly wants to make steak tartare. How long will she have to cook the steak?

  • One hour under the broiler
  • 25 minutes at 450 degrees
  • 40 minutes at 350 degrees
  • Serve it raw

Question 18: "A watched pot never..."

  • works
  • boils
  • spoils
  • burns down the house

Question 19: Browning meat on a pan is an example of what kind of chemical reaction?

  • Maillard Reaction
  • Murhpy's Law
  • Flavoritization
  • Spontaneous combustion

Question 20: What is the name of the red liquid that pours our of a steak after cutting it?

  • Bovine essence
  • Myoglobin
  • Cowglobin
  • Ethanol

4.4.5. Entomologist Exam

Question 1: Ants may be tiny, but they sure are strong! They can lift well over their weight. How much can they lift?

  • A bag of marbles' worth
  • 100x their weight
  • An elephant's worth
  • 10,000x their weight

Question 2: Which of these insects was especially sacred to the ancient Egyptians?

  • Weevils
  • Butterflies
  • Scarab beetles
  • Locusts

Question 3: Mayflies live notoriously short lives, the poor things. If you were a mayfly, how long could you expect to live?

  • Several hours
  • One day, exactly
  • Mere seconds
  • A couple years

Question 4: Samuel is an athlete who spends lots of time running and jumping everywhere he goes. If he had a super power, he'd want to jump as far as a flea! How far would that be?

  • The length of a car
  • The length of a football field
  • 10 city blocks
  • From Charleston to Welch

Question 5: Not all bugs are insects! Which of these creepy crawlies is NOT an insect?

  • Bees
  • Moths
  • Flies
  • Spiders

Question 6: Susie is learning to identify insects. She knows that insects have certain special features to look for that other animals don't. Which of these is a defining feature of insects?

  • Wings
  • Eyes
  • Having six legs
  • Fur

Question 7: Mosquitoes are tiny insects that fly around sucking the blood out of bigger creatures. What do they use this blood for?

  • Making eggs
  • Bathing
  • Parties
  • Grooming

Question 8: Insects' bodies are made up of three parts. Which of these is NOT one of these three parts?

  • Pelvis
  • Abdomen
  • Thorax
  • Head

Question 9: Insects are invertebrates, meaning they make due without a certain body part. Which body part do invertebrates go without?

  • Brain
  • Spine
  • Eyes
  • Solar Plexus

Question 10: Mary loves to go down to the riverbank at night to catch fireflies. These cute little insects glow in the dark! What process gives fireflies their special glow?

  • Nuclear fission
  • Fluorescence
  • Bioluminescence
  • Static electricity

Question 11: Before reaching adulthood, a house fly enters what stage of its life cycle?

  • Pupa
  • Crisis
  • Larval
  • Goth

Question 12: Wendy is volunteering as a beekeeper at summer camp. Beekeepers harvest all kinds of useful things from the bees they keep. Which of the following treats do we NOT harvest from bees?

  • Honey
  • Royal jelly
  • Flowers
  • Beeswax

Question 13: Female praying mantises get a bad rap for their aggressive mating habits. But can you really blame them for wanting to do this to their mates from time to time?

  • Abandon them
  • Pat them
  • Glare at them
  • Kill and eat them

Question 14: Caterpillars go through some changes in their life as they grow older. Sound familiar, kids? But in the end they turn into a beautiful new creature! What creature?

  • A transient
  • A butterfly
  • A filthy free loader
  • A four-legged Australian termite beetle

Question 15: Ants live all over the planet. In fact, they live just about everywhere! But there is one place you won't find any ant colonies. Where?

  • Washington, D.C.
  • France
  • Tanzania
  • Antarctica

Question 16: Instead of tongues, insects may have long tubes coming from their mouths that they can use to suck up nutrients. What is this tube called?

  • A proboscis
  • A probiotic
  • A protozoa
  • A prosthetic

Question 17: Periodical cicadas spend most of their lives underground. Why do they eventually emerge?

  • To hunt
  • To feel the fresh spring breeze
  • To dance
  • To mate and lay eggs

Question 18: There are a lot of people in the world, but there are way more insects! In fact, one out of every four creatures on Earth is which kind of insect?

  • A beetle
  • A grasshopper
  • A moth
  • A silkworm

Question 19: Roaches can survive almost anything, it seems, even nuclear radiation. In fact, a roach can survive for a while without its head! How long?

  • Forever
  • Six years
  • Five minutes exactly
  • Over a week

Question 20: Timmy wants to grow up big and strong like his favorite beetle! What kind of beetle can move something that is over 1000 times heavier than its own body weight?

  • Stag beetle
  • Buff beetle
  • Dung beetle
  • No beetle can possibly do that

4.4.6. Herpetologist Exam

Question 1: Sally wants to try and find reptiles and amphibians on a hike in West Virginia. Which is she not likely to see?

  • Turtles
  • Frogs
  • Snakes
  • Alligators

Question 2: Many reptiles are ectothermic, which means they...

  • Must rely on external heat sources to regulate body temperature
  • Are able to regulate their body temperature through psychic powers
  • Only eat insects and animals smaller than they are
  • Carry their young in a pouch

Question 3: Alex is on a hike and crosses paths with a Horned Lizard. The Horned Lizard is notorious for their ability to...

  • Breathe in outer space
  • Eat 150 times their body weight in a single session
  • Render themselves completely invisible
  • Shoot blood from their eyes

Question 4: Wendy has just been bitten by a coral snake! The coral snake's venom is neurotoxic. What symptoms will Wendy soon experience?

  • The ability to speak with snakes
  • Paralysis and respiratory failure
  • Wild hallucinations and the acceptance of Communist ideals and propaganda
  • Feelings of euphoria followed by delusions of paranoia

Question 5: Matthew has just been bitten by a Water Moccasin! The Water Moccasin's venom is hemotoxic. What symptoms will Matthew soon experience?

  • Pain and swelling in the bite area
  • Uncontrollable laughter and the enhancement of recreational activities
  • Immediate death
  • An uncontrollable and intense appetite

Question 6: Susan finds a Testudine on its back on the side of the road. What did Susan just find?

  • A 3-legged, horned frog
  • Part of a Chryslus Corvega
  • An alligator snapping turtle
  • A legendary cryptid

Question 7: Tommy's just been bitten by a Black Mamba! If Tommy can't receive medical attention, how long does Tommy have to live?

  • 24 hours
  • 30 minutes
  • It really depends on Tommy's lifestyle, diet and the kind of car he drives
  • Tommy is already dead

Question 8: Which of the following is not venomous?

  • Gila monster
  • Diamondback rattlesnake
  • Bullfrog
  • Coral reef snake

Question 9: Marcus has just ingested the poison of the Colorado River Toad - oops! What side effects can Marcus expect?

  • Euphoria and vivid hallucinations
  • Increased strength and agility
  • The ability to see sound waves
  • Swamp itch

Question 10: The Jackson's Chameleon is native to East Africa, however it was introduced to the United States in the 1970s. This is an example of...

  • Parasitic species
  • Egotistical species
  • Ritualistic species
  • Invasive species

Question 11: Your pet iguana is being threatened by the family dog. What would be a common defense mechanism employed by the iguana?

  • Blend into its environment
  • Shed its own tail as a distraction
  • Extend neck fins and spit an acidic irritant at the dog
  • Grow to 4 times its size

Question 12: A collection of eggs laid by reptiles and amphibians are called a...

  • Bunch
  • Blob
  • Clutch
  • Kit and Caboodle

Question 13: The Blue Tongued Skink is known for...

  • Its Blue Tongue
  • Its ability to give birth to live young
  • Snake like skin
  • All of the above

Question 14: The most important difference between poisonous and venomous is...

  • Poisons are ingested, venom is injected
  • Poisons are non-lethal, venom is lethal
  • Poison starts with a "P" and venom starts with a "V"
  • They are the same thing

Question 15: What is the main difference between a Frog and a Toad?

  • Frogs are cold blooded while Toads are warm blooded
  • Frogs feel jealousy while Toads are narcissistic
  • Frogs have smooth mucus-covered skin, Toads have rough, dry skin
  • Frogs are herbivores and Toads are carnivores

Question 16: What is the main difference between a Turtle and a Tortoise?

  • Turtles live near water while tortoises live on land
  • Turtles are amphibians while tortoises are mammals
  • Turtles enjoy a variety of human foods, tortoises try to keep it natural
  • Turtles have a half shell while tortoises have a full shell

Question 17: Sheila is making a Rain Forest Stew. Which ingredient is most likely to kill her?

  • Bay leaf
  • Anaconda meat
  • Boiled water
  • Golden dart frog

Question 18: Of the following, which is the largest?

  • Ornate Box Turtle
  • Japanese Giant Salamander
  • Common Garden Snake
  • Goliath Frog

Question 19: When the Hairy Frog (Thrichobatrachus robustus) is threatened, what defense mechanism would one expect it to use?

  • Break it's own toe bones and use them as claws
  • Hum a hypnotic melody
  • Whip its tongue at its attacker, like a medieval flail
  • Emit noxious fumes to deter the attacker

Question 20: Salamanders are an example of a...

  • Omnivore
  • Herbivore
  • Carnivore
  • All of the above

4.4.7. Hunter Exam

Question 1: Hannah is hunting game, but her tracking skills aren't the best. She asks you if you have any leads. Where might she start looking?

  • An open field
  • A trail or desire path
  • The supermarket
  • Vietnam

Question 2: Mary loves rabbits. They're so cute and furry, and the way they hop makes her laugh! She decides to trap a rabbit to take home as a pet. Which of these traps would be effective?

  • A body gripping trap
  • A deadfall trap
  • A snare
  • A bear trap

Question 3: You're tracking an animal through the forest when you feel something squishy beneath your feet... Looks like you've stepped in pellet shaped droppings. Which of these animals probably left them?

  • A black bear
  • A fox
  • A deer
  • An opossum

Question 4: Susie loves deer and their silky coats. She decides to tan a deer hide to put in her cabin. Which type of skinning should she use to prepare a deer for tanning?

  • Case skinning
  • Open skinning
  • Dorsal skinning
  • Cape skinning

Question 5: There are many different ways that you can catch a fish. Which one of these is NOT a proper technique?

  • Using a fishing rod
  • Using your boot to stomp on them
  • Using a fishing net
  • Using a spear

Question 6: Mark is reading up on birds to hunt. Some birds have been hunted so much that they're all gone! Which of these was hunted to extinction in the 1900s?

  • The flamingo
  • The dodo
  • The passenger pigeon
  • The Siberian crane

Question 7: You meet Brendan out deer hunting, but know he doesn't have a license. He says that he's been hunting before and that everything will be fine. What do you do?

  • Turn him in for poaching
  • Team up
  • Avoid him for the rest of the trip
  • Involve him in a hunting "accident"

Question 8: Alfonso wants to go hunting commies. He has four dog breeds available as possible hunting companions. Which would you pick to track a human?

  • Golden Retriever
  • St. Bernard
  • Welsh Corgi
  • Bloodhound

Question 9: Samuel wants to go duck hunting, but can't decide which gun to bring. What would you recommend?

  • Minigun
  • Laser pistol
  • Shotgun
  • Missile launcher

Question 10: You're hunting in the forest and want to lie low and wait for game to come to you. What could you use to help stay hidden?

  • A tree
  • A C.A.M.P.
  • A blind
  • A moose

Question 11: You're in a good hunting spot and waiting for game to appear when you hear a sharp barking sound. Which animal probably made this call?

  • A red fox
  • A deer
  • A bear
  • Susie

Question 12: Brendan wants to hook bass on Summersville Lake. When should he go to get the most bites?

  • Midnight
  • Noon
  • Afternoon
  • None of the above

Question 13: You're bird hunting on Summersville Lake, but can't get close enough to take a good shot. What could you use to lure birds closer?

  • Decoys
  • A hunting dog
  • Strong cologne
  • A good personality

Question 14: When hiking in the woods, always be prepared for an encounter with Appalachia's most powerful predator: the bear. Which kind of bear is most common in Appalachia?

  • American black bear
  • Grizzly bear
  • Panda bear
  • Polar bear

Question 15: The government in Charleston decides it's open season to hunt naked mole-rats in Appalachia. This is because they are what kind of species here?

  • Communist
  • Extinct
  • Endangered
  • Invasive

Question 16: You're looking to harvest some salmon to create bear bait. When Salmon reproduce, they gather in large numbers. Where can you find them at this time?

  • Ocean shallows
  • Freshwater rivers
  • Saltwater rivers
  • Natural harbors

Question 17: A black bear has been stealing food from your campsite and you want to rig a trap to catch it. What kind of trap do you use?

  • A leg-hold trap
  • A deadfall trap
  • A snare
  • A glue trap

Question 18: You've taken your kill back to the butcher, and he explains the different cuts of meat on the animal. Which of these cuts comes from the animal's leg?

  • Neck
  • Rump
  • Flank
  • Shank

Question 19: Alex takes aim at a boar with his hunting rifle, but when he squeezes the trigger his gun explodes! How could Alex have prevented this?

  • Thought ahead
  • Become vegetarian
  • Maintained his firearm properly
  • Nothing

Question 20: You're going hunting with your great-great-grandfather's old-fashioned black powder rifle. What do you need to bring to reload?

  • A shell
  • A cartridge
  • A magazine
  • A ramrod

4.4.8. Mammalogist Exam

Question 1: Alfonso is afraid of bats. They can get so big! How long is the wingspan on the largest bats?

  • 5'7"
  • 6"
  • 200'
  • 48'

Question 2: Susie wants to run really fast like her fovourite mammal, so she practices running laps every day! Which mammal is the fastest on land?

  • Sloths
  • Cheetahs
  • Wolves
  • Cows

Question 3: You're hiking in the woods near your house and spot a red fox. Red foxes are native to North America. Which of these continents are they not native to?

  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Australia

Question 4: West Virginia cattle are good eating, and the cattle love to eat, too! In fact, their stomachs have several compartments. How many?

Question 5: Sloths are slow moving mammals that live in trees. Millions of years ago, though, there were huge sloths that lived on the ground! How big did these "megasloths" get?

  • Bigger than a breadbox
  • Bigger than a bicycle
  • Bigger than an elephant
  • All of the above

Question 6: Hannah is from Alaska, and says that an iconic Alaskan mammal is actually a type of deer! Which mammal?

  • Moose
  • Wolf
  • Beaver
  • Goat

Question 7: Brendan likes to sleep. A lot. He even sleeps in class! Which of these mammals is also known for sleeping a lot in the winter?

  • Dogs
  • Bears
  • Deer
  • Cattle

Question 8: Which of these traits is different in mammals than in reptiles?

  • They have hair
  • Thye have ears
  • They have legs
  • They have brain

Question 9: Mammals are broken into over twenty "orders". Which of these orders has the most mammals in it?

  • Rodents
  • Primates
  • Lagomorphs
  • Tadpoles

Question 10: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, three legs in the evening, and no legs at night?

  • A panther
  • A sphinx
  • A human
  • The devil

Question 11: Erin loves canines, especially large ones! Which of these does she love the most?

  • Dingoes
  • Jackals
  • Foxes
  • Wolves

Question 12: Spot is a hunting dog. He likes to hunt bunnies and birds. What do African wild dogs like to hunt?

  • Crocodiles
  • Antelopes
  • Elephants
  • Humans

Question 13: You and Mary were both given pet rabbits as Christmas gifts. Mary's rabbit is a girl, called a "doe". Yours is a boy. What are boy rabbits called?

  • Bucks
  • Brothers
  • Kits
  • Lunch

Question 14: The mammary glands of female mammals produces which liquid after giving birth to their young?

  • Tears
  • Nuka Cola
  • Milk
  • Blood

Question 15: Samuel was out in the woods when he drew a big bear's attention! He played dead until it went away. Which of these mammals did he emulate?

  • Opossum
  • Mouse
  • Tasmanian devil
  • Chimpanzee

Question 16: Australia is home to a class of mammals called marsupials. What's special about most marsupials that's different from other mammals?

  • They all have large ears
  • They're very sinful
  • They only eat tall grass
  • They raise young in a pouch

Question 17: George would rather study dinosaurs than mammals because they're big and scary. But mammals can get big and scary, too. And they're still around! What is the largest living mammal?

  • African elephant
  • Blue whale
  • Giant panda
  • Reindeer

Question 18: Humans are mammals, too! What is something that makes you different from a chimpanzee?

  • I eat my greens
  • I use tools
  • I stand up straight
  • I have five toes

Question 19: Most mammals have babies the same way as humans. But one mammal actually lays eggs! Which mammal?

  • Kangaroo
  • Snow leopard
  • Dolphin
  • Echidna

Question 20: Snippers is a good house cat. He eats his food and uses his litter box, just like he's supposed to. Which ancient country can we thank for domesticating cats like Snippers?

  • Egypt
  • Babylon
  • China
  • India

4.4.9. Medic Exam

Question 1: You're the on-duty medic at the archery range. Ricky goes out to retrieve his arrow during live fire and is shot through the knee! What do you do?

  • Let him bleed for ignoring safety protocol
  • Advise Ricky to give up on adventuring
  • Call an ambulance!
  • Pull the arrow out the way it went in

Question 2: You come across a hopeless chem addict while doing good deeds around town. The addict begs you for money or chems. How do you respond?

  • Blow a raspberry at her
  • Treat her with Addictol
  • Offer her money, no questions asked
  • Give her some Mentats pro bono

Question 3: The other scouts are excited for your field trip to the Poseidon Energy Plant, but you're worried about the effects of radiation. What do you do?

  • Stop worrying, as nuclear power is 100% safe and effective
  • Take some Rad-X just in case
  • Ask for a hazmat suit on arrival
  • Don't go

Question 4: You're preparing for a hiking trip and want to make some healing salves in case of injury. Which of these could you use as an ingredient?

  • Fiberglass spool
  • Wonderglue
  • Abraxi cleaner
  • Bloodleaf

Question 5: Hannah is afraid of fireworks. At last year's Fourth of July celebration, a faulty firework exploded right behind her! Now loud sounds make her jump and shiver. What do you call this condition?

  • Rattle hands
  • Shell Shock
  • Cowardice
  • Communism

Question 6: Susie is playing in her tree house. She loses her balance and falls to the ground, breaking the bone in her upper arm, below her shoulder. Which bone did Susie break?

  • Scapula
  • Humerus
  • Pelvis
  • Radius

Question 7: Samuel drank some icky water from a pond on a hiking trip. Now he's feeling awful! He has diarrhea, stomach pains, and fluid loss. Which disease might Samuel have contracted?

  • Lock Joint
  • "New Plague"
  • Dysentery
  • Rabies

Question 8: While rock climbing on a scout trip, you lose your grip and take a tumble, injuring your arm. You decide to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Where do you tie the tourniquet?

  • A few inches above the wound
  • A few inches below the wound
  • Around your throat
  • Directly on the wound

Question 9: Which of the following is NOT a type of physician?

  • Cardiologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Astrologist
  • Oncologist

Question 10: Alfonso is earning spending money by working in the Garrahan coal mines after school. His father Ricardo is a mine worker, and is always coughing and wheezing. What condition is Alfonso risking by working in the mines?

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Influenza
  • Diabetes
  • Black lung

Question 11: Mary works at the steel mill after school. One day, a heavy piece of equipment falls and makes a big gash on her thigh! Which of these muscles did she just injure?

  • Occipitofrontalis
  • Rectus femoris
  • Fibularis longus
  • Pectoralis major

Question 12: You and Richard are mountain biking when he hits a rock and tumbles into a tree, breaking his leg! What tool do you use to hold the bone in place until help arrives?

  • A splint
  • A vise-grip
  • A ball-peen hammer
  • Wonderglue

Question 13: Susie's grandmother is comatose on life support. As her physician, her fate is in your hands. What is the ethical decision?

  • Pull the plug
  • Ethics has no place in science
  • Keep her comatose
  • Let her family decide

Question 14: We use the rod of a mythical figure as the symbol of the medical profession. Which figure?

  • Asclepius
  • Zeus
  • Poseidon
  • Vulcan

Question 15: Brendan is at the firing range when Samuel accidentally clips him with a live round from his shotgun! He's lost a lot of blood. What will you do to restore it?

  • Hook up a blood pack intravenously
  • Squish tick blood into his open wounds
  • Cut your arm and feed him your own blood
  • Take blood from his leg and drip it into his arm

Question 16: Believe it or not, blood cells come in several different colors! Which of these is a type of blood cell?

  • Green
  • Blue
  • White
  • Gold

Question 17: You're helping Mr. Hannock cross the street when he doubles over clutching his chest! This is a symptom of which of the following?

  • Cancer
  • Pneumonia
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack

Question 18: Which of the following is NOT a type of cancer?

  • Lymphoma
  • Hemophilia
  • Carcinoma
  • Blastoma

Question 19: Which of the following is NOT a symptom of radiation sickness?

  • Fever
  • Hydrophobia
  • Headache
  • Vomiting

Question 20: The day has come and the bombs have fallen. Where do you go to stay safe from the radiation?

  • My designated Vault-Tec vault
  • My bedroom
  • Under my desk
  • My parents' bedroom

4.4.10. Swimmer Exam

Question 1: Which of the following is best to consume before a swimming session in order to keep your energy up?

  • 2 tins of Cram
  • Salisbury Steak with a side of InstaMash
  • A handful of Buffout
  • A light snack

Question 2: Steve the troublemaker is trying to trick people into thinking his made-up swimming stroke is real. What is the name of this obviously fake stroke?

  • Front Crawl
  • Butterfly Stroke
  • Speed Stroke
  • Breaststroke

Question 3: Billy is running around Wavy Willard's Water Park when the lifeguard blows a whistle and points at him. What should Billy do?

  • Sprint towards the lifeguard to find out what he has to say
  • Immediately stop running to avoid slipping on a slick surface
  • Do five "jumping jacks" before getting on the next ride
  • Don't talk for the rest of the day, as children are meant to be seen, not heard

Question 4: Your friend Marie asks for a stick of gum before her swim. How do you respond?

  • Refuse to give her one, as chewing gum while swimming is a dangerous choking hazard
  • Gladly offer her a stick, as chewing gum will maintain energy while swimming
  • Ask if she's eaten dinner yet, as it could spoil her appetite
  • Laugh in her face, as you'd never give away your last stick of gum

Question 5: it's a late night at summer camp and you can't sleep so you decide to go for a swim in the lake. As you leave, your swimming instructor yells at you. What did you do wrong?

  • You forgot to wake your swimming instructor up to let them know where you'd be
  • You forgot that swimming while it's dark out is always a bad idea
  • You forgot that swimming alone is extremely dangerous
  • You forgot that you should shower before heading out for a swim

Question 6: Which is the proper way to breathe while swimming?

  • Stop swimming every few strokes to catch your breath
  • Alternate between having your face in the water and rhythmically breathing between strokes
  • Rapidly inhale and exhale above water between each stroke
  • Trick question - you should always hold your breath while swimming

Question 7: The impossible happens and the evil commies manage to launch a nuke on American soil! How does this impact your swimming routines?

  • Swimming is still fine, if you're extra careful to avoid inhaling any water
  • Natural water sources can be irradiated, so limit swimming to closed systems
  • All water is likely to be heavily irradiated, so swimming should be avoided
  • Not at all - if you let them change your way of life then the commies win!

Question 8: Which of the following is NOT an authorized aquatic Pioneer Scout activity?

  • Diving
  • Kayaking
  • Water Polo
  • Breath-holding competition

Question 9: What is the primary purpose of a swimming buddy?

  • To encourage more socially-awkward scouts to socialize
  • To have a partner for team-based aquatic competitions
  • To have someone that can alert the lifeguard in the case of an emergency
  • To have scouts watch themselves so the adults don't have to

Question 10: Little Lizzie is scared of swimming in the local community pool. What aspect of swimming pools should she actually be concerned about?

  • The water is too deep for some non-swimmers
  • Strong current
  • Depth is too shallow for beginners
  • Sharks

Question 11: What is the correct way to revive a drowning victim?

  • Stomp on their chest until water spruts out of their mouth
  • Turn their head to the side to drain water, then back for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
  • Place them on their back, tilt their neck upwards, and give them space to allow them to breathe
  • Shout until the nearest Medical Responder Protectron hears and comes to save the day

Question 12: You're vacationing at Summersville Lake and decide to dive into the water - what fun! But wait - how deep did the swimming instructor say the water should be before attempting a dive?

  • 4 feet deep - no problem!
  • No more than 5 feet deep, otherwise you could get divers rash!
  • A minimum of 7 feet deep should keep you safe!
  • No less than 15 feet deep - a cautious scout is a living scout!

Question 13: Your strange friend Miguel is a major hypochondriac, and has given you a giant list of health concerns he has with swimming. Which item on his list can you say he definitely shouldn't worry about?

  • Dehydration
  • Heatstroke
  • Hypothermia
  • Xerophobia

Question 14: You're in a fishing vessel off the coast when the boat capsizes! You remember the words of your Pioneer Scout swim instructor and start to survival float! What are you doing?

  • Face-down in the water with hands out and palms down, lifting your head to breathe deeply
  • Calmly floating on your back, careful not to make sudden movements (?)
  • Calmly treading water, alternating between moving your hands and feet
  • Curled in a fetal position with your head above water

Question 15: You're assigned the task of inspecting all of the life jackets being handed out to your fellow scouts. Which is NOT something that you need to verify during the inspection?

  • The jackets are Coast Guard approved
  • The jackets are in good and serviceable condition
  • The jackets are the appropriate size for the intended user
  • The jackets are all the required shade of orange

Question 16: Timothy is bragging about all the health benefits he gets from being a regular swimmer. At what point in his tiresome prattle do you smugly stop and correct him?

  • The part where he drones on about cardiovascular fitness
  • When he can't shut up about his improved coordination
  • After the inane chatter regarding improved calorie burn rate
  • His declaration about the water giving him baby soft skin

Question 17: Which of the following is NOT one of the risks unique to swimming in open waters like lakes, rivers and oceans?

  • Limited visibility
  • Drowning
  • Currents and tides
  • Water temperature

Question 18: You see Billy struggling to stay afloat in the swimming pool. You want to help him but you just dried off! Which is NOT a non-swimming rescue technique?

  • Talk
  • Reach
  • Wave
  • Throw

Question 19: Suzie is a beginner swimmer who is nervous about getting in the water. You teach her several techniques to stay afloat without an aid, which makes her feel better. Which is NOT one of those techniques?

  • Floating
  • Sculling
  • Treading water
  • Flailing

Question 20: You find yourself struggling against a river current after your canoe tips over! Which of the following is bad advice to follow in this situation?

  • Remain calm
  • Travel feet first
  • Work your way to the edge
  • Give up and drown

