The Rise of Incels

R 110 Yes. Most, if not all, of the "bisexual" men are NEVER out and never COME out. Especially if they're handsome and masculine. That has always been the way and it's worse now than ever. But for the cognoscenti, those gym bros, no matter how many gfs or babies they facilitate, are as gay

R 110 Yes. Most, if not all, of the "bisexual" men are NEVER out and never COME out. Especially if they're handsome and masculine. That has always been the way and it's worse now than ever. But for the cognoscenti, those gym bros, no matter how many gfs or babies they facilitate, are as gay as geese and are certainly not putting all that time and effort to attract fish. If people want to be honest (ha ha), even the pearl clutchers on this site would admit that the gay cause has been set back 60 years. That is evidenced by the many obviously gay people who don't want to identify as gay. It's like the old Army chestnut of men "helping each other out." Even peer-reviewed journals tend to favor the term MSM over gay.

Despite the so-called progress that deceives many, my observations are that gay men of all ages, especially younger guys, are having greater difficulty and reluctance in coming out. If you stop being brainwashed from media sources and open your eyes, you’d see men doing what they’ve being doing for generations: marrying, having kids, playing the game, and becoming the heterosexual community, while having ample opportunity and convenience for shadow play. In today’s climate, profit not principle, reigns supreme. The gays of the 1960s and earlier could be arrested and destroyed professionally if caught by authorities in any same gender cohabitation. Gays of the 80s and even 90s, as their friends and colleagues, died in droves, felt the need to stand for something if they were to continue standing at all. The proximity of disease and death gave them courage, a resiliency, and a valor to fight back. That’s what pride is made of.

Today things have been made too Goddamned easy. The world on a phone has created a whole new generation of duplicity and the ability to have the cake (or cock) and eat it, too. Pre-smartphone, it took a hell of a lot more courage, risk, and ingenuity to chase dick or even something as basic as renting porn. You had to put yourself out there and take risks if you were to have a male-to-male experience. True, the covert feelings haven’t changed. In fact, they’re probably more intense. Guys are as enthralled as ever at the idea of sex with men, but lack the courage and character to adopt a label of “gay” and subject themselves to the stigma and prejudices that, by and large, have NEVER DISAPPEARED. That’s why the best they can do is MSM. They can’t bring themselves to say the word.

It’s the 1950s all over again. Men workout to over-masculinize, yet internally, they’re jellyfish. Fear! Don’t dare compromise finances, social climbing, and precious Facebook/Instagram images to be a legitimate, “on the record” homosexual. Too much trouble to explain to the Ken and Karen parents who feign support of LGBT causes, except when it involves their progeny. Gender fluidity has become a terrific fall-out shelter, because it blurs the big picture, creates confusion, and doesn’t hold the scuttlebutts responsible or accountable for any of their impulses. Add to the mixture the devastating effects of drugs, pharmacologic and illicit, that young men are subject to at a younger and younger age, and the mind-numbing effects of technology, lack of common culture, quality education, and intellectual curiosity, and you’ll never again have to ask yourself why they’re less likely to come out.

The rise of Incels? You’ve been told. And you’ve been warned. Exeunt.

