The Walker Home Laurel Mercantile

Long time residents of Laurel are bringing a home, that's been in their family for generations, to life again! In this episode you'll see how Erin and Ben give a home that means so much to this family a fresh new look, using art from local artist Mandy Buchanan (and best friend to Mrs. Susie)

Long time residents of Laurel are bringing a home, that's been in their family for generations, to life again! In this episode you'll see how Erin and Ben give a home that means so much to this family a fresh new look, using art from local artist Mandy Buchanan (and best friend to Mrs. Susie) and tiles that are sentimental to the whole family. It's a tear jerker but also a reminder that your home should be filled with the things that are dearest to you, the things that make you remember your people, and the things that make it feel comfortable and inviting. 

 (Okay, we may be slightly biased but these Scotsman Co. countertops and island give this kitchen such warmth and beauty!)


Welcome home, again Walker family! Shop the collection here. 

