UltimateTrainingModpack Overlay Switch - GameBrew

A custom overlay for the Switch that interfaces with the Training Modpack. This means the normal Switch overlay will no longer be overridden as was the case before. The UltimateTrainingModpack is a Skyline plugin using cargo-skyline for adding features to the training mode. It interfaces with skyline-web to provide a menu for customizing training options.

A custom overlay for the Switch that interfaces with the Training Modpack. This means the normal Switch overlay will no longer be overridden as was the case before.

The UltimateTrainingModpack is a Skyline plugin using cargo-skyline for adding features to the training mode. It interfaces with skyline-web to provide a menu for customizing training options.


Make sure you have nx-ovlloader and Tesla Menu installed.

Extract the zip file to the root of the SD card.

The button combination for starting up the menu is configurable in config/tesla/config.ini., but defaults to L+X+D-Pad Left.

User guide


  • Hitbox Visualization:
    • Currently, hitboxes and grabboxes are supported.
    • When visualization is active, other move effects are temporarily turned off for easier visualization.
  • Save States:
    • At any time in Training Mode, you can press Grab + Down Taunt to save the state of training mode.
    • This will save the position, state, and damage of each fighter, which can then be reverted to at any time with Grab + Up Taunt.
    • Use this instead of the built-in training mode reset.
  • Selecting Multiple Options:
    • Any submenu that allows you to toggle multiple options will randomize between only those options.
    • This is the vast majority of items in the menu detailed below, and it's a huge change that allows for really deep practice.

Mash section

  • Mash Toggles:
    • Note: Combine this with the shield toggles to force the CPU to perform options OoS when their shield is damaged!
    • CPUs will mash an option on the first frame possible out of hitstun.
    • Airdodge has specific logic that the CPU will also flash shield when landing.
  • Followup Toggles:
    • Set a mash option to perform directly after the one specified with Mash Toggles.
  • Mash in Neutral:
    • Set a CPU to mash specified option in neutral/idle state.

Left Stick section

  • Set DI:
    • CPUs DI in the direction specified, relative to the player's facing position.
  • Set SDI:
    • Works the same way as the DI toggle, but choose a direction for the CPU to SDI every 4 frames of hitlag.
  • Airdodge Direction
    • When a CPU is set to mash airdodge, it will use this direction as its airdodge direction.

Chase section

  • Ledge Option:
    • CPUs will perform a random ledge option among the selected options.
    • CPUs will also perform a defensive option after getting up.
  • Tech Option
    • CPUs will perform a random tech option among the selected options.
    • CPUs will also perform a defensive option after getting up.
  • Defensive Option
    • CPUs will perform the defensive option a CPU will perform after teching or getting up from the ledge, among the selected options.

Shield section

  • Shield Options:
    • Infinite: CPUs will hold a shield that does not deteriorate over time or by damage.
    • Hold: CPUs will hold a shield that does not deteriorate over time until hit for the first time.
  • Frame Advantage:
    • Currently only works on shield. Practice moves on shield to find out the frame advantage of the moves performed. Best used with Infinite Shield.
  • OOS Offset:
    • The CPU will delay until the specified number of hits to perform an OoS option.
  • OOS Reaction Time:

The CPU will delay a specified number of frames before performing an OoS option.

Aerials section

Edit how the CPU performs aerials.

  • Fast Fall.
  • Full Hops.
  • Falling Aerials.
  • Fast Fall Delay.
  • Specified in frames (from apex of CPU's jump).





External links

