Unpopular Opinions - Charmed [V]

ooho i have a lot. heh. I miss Prue, and I think the show really missed her a lot after she died. This is funny because I love Piper and I loved how they made her more assertive and what not after Prue died, but i don't know. I missedPrue. and I missed what

ooho i have a lot. heh. 

I miss Prue, and I think the show really missed her a lot after she died.

This is funny because I love Piper and I loved how they made her more assertive and what not after Prue died, but i don't know. I missed Prue. and I missed what she brought to the show, and I just think there were a lot of instances that Prue was 'needed' I always felt when Prue died we got Piper and two "younger" sisters vs. a clear cut older/middle/younger sister. 

I hate Phoebe

Now, this is not unpopular  ;)  But these are the reasons why. I hate how she went from wanting to always help the innocent, to becoming ... Phoebe in the last seasons. I really hate how she kept choosing Cole over her sisters (even though she 'ultimately' chose her sisters in the end - but by then the consequences were always so dire). She lied to them in Sleuthing with the Enemy. Irrational Phoebe hate makes me think if she wasn't all chasing after Cole in Deja Vu All Over Again Piper wouldn't have died, because Leo would be there. (again. I know. irrational Phoebe hate)

But what really gets my goat - and it links into my next thought

Cole gets a raw deal link up

Cole Gets a Raw Deal because of Phoebe.

Basically. (yes I get because of love). Phoebe totally screws over Cole. First, she could have/should have vanquished him. But She doesn't. Then (yes, they get all hoodwinked by Ian Buchanan), Cole begs her for the power stripping position and she's like "Omg, you're all evil, I just saw you kill a witch!" and then smashes the potion. then Cole gets possessed (and ultimately killed) by the Source via the Hollow, and this is where i get 100 percent irritated at ALL the sisters and especially Phoebe

1: Cole did not  choose  to become Source. Everyone knew up to that point, that Cole took the Hollow to save the Sisters and no one thought that Cole taking the Source's fireball would = him being the Source.

2: Up until "Long Live the Queen" it was pretty much stated that the Source was taking over Cole. Cole was saving/helping the sisters in little bits. COLE himself was still/always the innocent and they just lumped everything together. (forgetting, again, that Cole ultimately became what he did to save heir lives). 

3: Phoebe doomed Cole to die and to become the Source. As stated by SourceCole and the Seer - Phoebe wasn't uber influenced by Evil Baby Spawn, or by Tonic or by anything else. It wasn't mentioned that losing Source Powers would kill Cole. Phoebe was seeing the exact same thing that we saw. The Wizard was pulling out the Sourceness, (so HE could become the new Source). Phoebe stopped him. Killed the Wizard. Took Cole's hand and made him take on ALL the powers of the source - then for seasons 5 through Avatar Cole (6?), everyone was all like WELL COLE RUINED PHOEBE'S LIFE, COLE WAS EVIL, COLE SHOULD LEAVE PHOEBE ALONE. No. Phoebe killed Cole and held his hand while he became Source. if Anyone shoulda been pissed it really should be Cole. 

back to why i hate Phoebe

I hate the way the Show became Phoebe-ized.
I always felt like the first 3 seasons, (even though it kinda focused on Prue), it ultimately balanced so it was one aspect of all the sisters and the ultimately came together. Phoebe was always the "focus" or the face, and everything (even wanting Utopia) was based on her (and let's not even ignore her whole Premotioning for Penis, because she wanted her little girl like instantly). I honestly truly felt, that the dynamic of Prue-Piper-Paige would have/could have worked out (because Paige was basically the new phoebe anyway), and probably would have had more gravitas to it (because no one said Piper couldn't/wouldn't act the same way she did losing Phoebe as she did Prue) vs. Phoebe being the one who lived.

I wish that Wyatt was Melinda

I really hated the hahaha you're a BOY! switch they made. 

I wish the "Ultimate Power" storyline would have been made different but not for the reasons you think

I think that having that storyline (having another set of powerful witches - one that were evil) made sense. everything that the show told us, is that there was always balance. meaning that as Powerful as the Charmed ones were - there was always going to be an evil-powerful source out there. What I don't like is that Billie and Christie were it. I think the show missed the boat (or actually vanquished a potential story in season 1) by having an Evil Power of Three. I get Good conquers all but there should have been sort of a balance/symmetry of having 3 siblings have ultimate powers, even have a magic uber baby if you must and they ultimately face off. 

I dunno. it sounded better in my head. and I didn't like Billie or Christie, but boy did i like their powers heh

there are more but i am on season 5 of a rewatch and I haven't seen this for AGES. so i'll add. 

